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The General had led us out of his office and down a few corridors. I had never been on this side of the building and at nearly every doorway there were armed soldiers watching as we passed.

The academy is a extemely large place and it would probably take a entire day to explore the large structure. As cadets were restricted to our sleeping and training areas only so it's not suprising that we've never seen this part before.

We walked through a doorway that had, Authorised Personel Only, over it and were led down a short hall and ushered into a room on the left.

Inside the room we found more army personel. The people in here were all high ranking individuals and as soon as we realised this we all stood at attention as they looked over each of us.

"At ease." One of the Commanders said and we waited for someone to speak.

"Are these the R.P?" One female Commander asked as she moved closer to us and inspected each of us individually. She air around her screamed authority and I could tell this was a woman who took her duty seriously.

When she got to me she stared at me for a long time before turning away.

"As I'm sure Commander Drav has told you. This group has been chosen for this assignment. The final decision is yours if you want to go through with it or not." The female Commander said and we all nodded and she motioned towards a two way window and she pressed a button and the room on the other side of the window was revealed and I gasped.

The room on the other side was normal four walls with seven chairs seated in the the middle. It's the other things in the room that made me gasp.

Inside the room were white transparent clouds of shimmering light. The clouds were continoisly falshing different colors except for one that was a little ways off from the others and only flickering between two colors. Red and black.

"Astonishing aren't they?" One of the Commanders asked and I nodded my head as I continued looking at the aliens floating in the room.

"They're waiting on you. They also want to speak to you." The female general said motioning to a door on the side of the room and I looked back at the pack and nodded at me and we went into the room with the aliens.

As soon as we stepped inside they started flashing faster and we paused unsure what to do.

I waited by the open door with the rest of the pack until the flashing slowed down we went further into the room and each took one of the chairs and waited, unsure what was supposed to happen.

The transparent clouds continued to float and flash as we all sat and stared until one of the clouds seperated from the others and made it's way towards us.

I tensed and waited as it floated past me and Malcom, past Damian, Claire Liam and Emma and stopped in front of Lindsey.

Liam tensed, ready to react but Lindsey stopped him just before her eyes unfocused.

We all watched her for any signs of trouble, but what suprised us was when she started laughing.

The other aliens seemed to take that as a signal and started moving towards us.

One stopped in front of me before I felt a small pressure in my head.

"Hello." A voice said and I looked around for the speaker.

"I am the one speaking to you." The voice said again and I looked back at the floating alien in front of me as it flashed blue.

"Just relax, we only wish to speak." It said and I nodded my head.

"I am Lune, on the planet Terra I am what would be called a wolf spirit." It said and an image of wolves flashed in my head.

Wolves were canine creatures that lived and hunted in the wild in groups called packs. There was always one wolf who led the others, that wolf was called an Alpha wolf.

"I am Cadet Rebel Mason. Seventeen cycles and a memeber of the R.P." I told Lune and soon the two of us were telling each other nearly everything.

Everything was going fine until Lune stopped speaking and moved away from me and the alien that had only been flashing red and black moved forward and stopped in front of me.

"Hello." I said but got no response in return it just continued flashing between it's two colors.

When I felt the pressure in my head again I relaxed not wanting to fight it and as soon as I did and image of and enormous creature with shining black scales and a red undertone flashed in my head.

I was shocked, I didn't that Old Terra held creatures as terrifying as this.  What shocked me even more was when the creature turned it's eyes to me.

Yellow eyes that looked exactly like mine.

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