"Bella Why?"

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After Jake ran off seth came back.  "Hey bella calm down , What happened?" Seth asks worried.
"As Edward ran through he cam kissed.me and that was just in time for Jacob to come through, he looked so mad,sad, and shocked he growled and run off I dont know what to do seth"  " Bella jacob told me to tell you before this if anything happened to him, he imprinted on you." "I am going.to talk to him Right now!" As seth was driving I was sleeping and I was having a vivid nightmare.
Seth woke me and I told him about it. Once we got to Jake i immediately heard Jake crying in his room. Due to the window.being opened. I walked to the window." Jake " he looked me over before his face softened and then just as quick hardened.  He tensed and his eyes glossed over. "Bella what are you doing here?"
" well your friend seth here told me that you imprinted on some girl that is standing out in the cold feeling back for what happened" seth walked out of the Shadows "Seth you told her!" "Uhhh yea you told me to"  he pulls me and seth up into his room and seth goes and watches the game. "Jake you know I wouldn't cheat on you , When I said I love you more its true." *Jake flash back to all the time when I said I love you and when I said I hate you bloodsucker. " Your right bella I am sorry." "Its fine"  "
Now Imma go find that bloodsuking leech." I say as I jump out the window. And Immediately collapse.

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