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Jake POV

Bella immediately collapsed. I jumped out the window just as seth reached her
He felt her forehead and I did to. "I am the worst Boyfriend ever how did I not feel this shes like a freaking furnace." Jake picked her up. And put her in the backseat. "Jake your not." "Ok fine I am not, get in the driver's seat you are driving to the cullens." I get in the back with bella God I hope shes ok. As were driving there bella was getting hotter. We turned on the ac. I got put and seth stayed with bella.
He got in the back and put her head in his lap normally I would be mad but I cant be now.
"Hey bloodsucker I know your going through my mind." I yelled this and he came and got the door. We got bella to Dr.Bloodsucker and he told us it's the same sickness you had.seth heard that and went outside. And he phased so I followed him.
good thing he took his shorts off. "SETH" he came out of the Shadows phased back put his shorts on and came over and fell into my arms. "Seth you ok" "No Jacob , You know how bad it felt when we were that sick , Then remember leah's it was worse" I let him lay in my lap and cry. They came and got us. And we brought bella home. I drove this time because seth and bella were close.  He trying to be quiet.she slept at my house. We told the pack. They. Were worried while we waited for bella to come back awake.

Bella POV I dont k ow what happend all I k ow is that I am coming back. "Bella are you ok?"I hear the boys ask. They told me what was happening but by how my temperature is it will be gone or if I phase. Of course I want to phase. So we go outside and try. "Think of all the mad or angry feelings you have and then you will phase. I think of James , lurant, Edward and Victoria.  And I phase. The boys do to except they were smart and took there shorts off. I was bigger than EVERYONE except Jake I was a bit smaller than him. I was a

Russet color a bit lighter than Jake and I had white patches all over me. I got all thier messages being like "Wow or Oh my god." We raced and even leah came along. I won all the races. And we camped out (wolf ofcourse)

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