Once we walked out of the station, things still felt what's the word I'm looking for? Oh yeah! CREEPY!!! It felt like we were being followed and our pictures were being taken. It was such an awful feeling.... We're getting really tired of hiding all the time.. it's getting harder and harder..

And I wasn't the only one who felt it, Baylen did, too. So at least I knew I wasn't crazy.

Once we got back to Baylens house, we told Tom and Michael.

They couldn't figure out why this was only happening to us and not anybody else.

What have we done that was so wrong? That's right. Not a God Damn thing. We keep to ourselves and don't bother a soul. The only time we bother anyone is if they bother us, first.

I just wish this would all stop. I miss my mom. I miss school. I miss my old life. I hate this paranoid lifestyle both Baylen and I have to endure every single fucking day.

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