Chapter 2- The Tape

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A bit of cursing in this , but enjoy .

Was this a joke?

Emma didn't know what to make of it. 

She stood in her kitchen, puzzled, not really sure what to do.

Was her apartment safe? Would whoever left this tape come back? What was on the tape? Who was responsible for this?

Would playing the tape summon a horde of brain eating aliens that would gauge her eyes out and- 

Okay, this was too much paranoia. 

Still, she reckoned that none of her questions would be answered by just doing nothing. 

So, she decided to play the tape. 

And face whatever came afterwards. 

How she hoped it was brain stealing aliens.  

At least it would be cool. 

She tore up her apartment looking for a tape recorder, ignoring the disarray and opted for her favorite spot in on her kitchen counter, and clicked play.

"I hope I don't regret this," she voiced to no one.

She would of course.

There was silence, then a crackle as the tape came to life.

"Hello there, Emma." A smooth, deep voice filtered out. It sent a chill down her spine. It was male, and it had a bit of an accent. She couldn't place it.

That voice... Had she heard it before? The tone indicated kindness, but why did she feel like there was an underlying venom laced in the words? It wasn't as it seemed.

What did he want?

"I hope this tape finds you in good health. Sorry for the breaking and entering bit, I wanted to avoid bumping into you per say. I'm not good with interactions.

Humans irritate me.

Which is why I'm using this tape, things will be easier to explain. First things first, let go of your phone. Don't even think of calling any of your police friends, because I'll  know. And if that happens, our interaction will come to a close, leading to a lot of unnecessary bodies."

That cause her to freeze. How did he know she had her phone in her hand? She gently put her phone down on the counter. Looking around her kitchen, was she being watched? Was she safe? Should she call her colleagues? But if she did, people would die.

What should she do? A million questions went through her head, and she took a deep breath, her breath faltering as he spoke again.

"Now that that's out of the way, you may be wondering how I knew that. It's because humans are so predictable. You are all the same; backstabbing, greedy, disgusting creatures who only know how to use others for your ultimate gain. You'll do anything to prove yourself better than others, committing unspeakable acts just for the sick satisfaction of being on top.

But I... I am better than that. I've surpassed this primitive mentality. Instead of being a useless, disgusting pawn I am a king.

I make the rules.

I know all."

What was he saying? What kind of self righteous bullshit was he spouting? He used the term "humans", did he consider himself something else? He considered himself better than them. What was his angle? Her mind filled again with questions, abruptly stopped when she realized he stopped talking. The tape was still playing, but there was silence.

The Revenge Of Emmett Daze (#1 In The Brimstone Series)Where stories live. Discover now