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I was walking down the street that same night, smoking a cigarette, on my way home. It's odd, I was thinking about him a lot. I haven't thought much about him this whole year that I've "known" him. He was just a Japanese guy I liked to have small talk with. But today wasn't just small talk. It was a conversation; one I wanted to continue. And it wasn't just because it was in Japanese, like it was before; I genuinely wanted to talk to him. I wanted to know who he was, and things about him, like how he hurt his leg. Now I was scared he was going to disappear again, like before. I never thought about it, but he would probably go back to Japan all those times he was gone. Maybe he was just visiting here, and he actually lived in Japan. Why would anyone carry a suitcase around anyways? I threw the cigarette butt on the ground and got into the building.

-I'm home!- I yelled as soon as I got inside the small apartment, a Japanese habit, followed with me taking my shoes off, and putting on slippers. 

I entered the kitchen/living room and found my roommate sat at the small table, studying. 

-Good evening.-I said tiredly putting my bag on the couch, and hugging Mila around her neck from behind. 

-Hi.- She said, just as tired. -Do you want coffee?- She asked raising her empty cup.

-Yes, please.-I went to my room to change.

-How was your day?- She asked from the kitchen.

-It was a bit weird. I feel slightly confused now.- I entered the shared space, now in sweats, and an oversized hoodie, putting my hair into a bun, finally relaxing.

-Why?- She was interested.

-Remember that Japanese guy I told you about?-

-Umm....- She gave it some thought,- Oh, yeah, I remember! The one with the suitcase... What's up with him?-

-He came in today, on crutches, and we talked a bit...- I started to ramble from then on, trying to express my confusion. I wasn't making a lot of sense, I couldn't explain why I was feeling different now, It's too late for this, I need a coffee.

Mila understood, she didn't push me, but she did laugh at my incompetence to express myself. I wasn't good with words after all. 

-Thank you for the coffee!- I bowed with exaggeration. 

-You're welcome.- She laughed.-It's your turn to vacuum this week, don't forget!-

-Ugh...Do I have to???- I said with a cringe on my face, not this too.

-Yes.-She said sternly.

-You're such a mom.-I pouted.-Speaking of the devil, I should call her.

-You do that.-She said and went back to books. I moved to my room to phone mom, in order to not disturb Mila.

After my daily chat with mom, I got my laptop out, put my headphones on, and sat at the table with Mila to start studying for the day.

Between lectures and classes at the uni, and work, I had no time to study, so night time was reserved for that. My mom paid for uni and a little bit for my rent. But the rest I had to earn myself. Which was fine, but tiring.

It was 2:00 am when I finished work, and fell to the comfort of my warm bed. Falling asleep to an odd, but exciting feeling.  

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