Chapter Six

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Bailey just stared at them for a good moment or two before she burst out into hysterical laughter. What kind of messed up dream did she enter? Who the hell would believe something as ludicrous as that?

"Oh, that's awesome." She stopped for a breath of air as she wiped the tears that formed from her laughter as she looked about the room in search for someone or something. "Okay. Shala! Kahryn! Y'all can come out now. You guys got me."

She didn't notice the glances exchanged between the two men, the only thing she was concerned with at that moment was how convincing they were and how much shit her friends were going to be in for scaring the utter crap out of her.

"Do you really question the claims the Almighty Pharaoh and his most trusted advisor have made?"

"Yes, I do, actually, because this joke is getting old. Fast."

"I suggest that you do not as the greatest seer in all of Egypt has seen that you are from far into the future but how far we are not certain."

Bailey began chewing on the nail of her thumb, looking at the both of them long and hard. "What are you smoking and where can I get some of this stuff? Seriously, do you expect anyone to believe any of this? You need a head check and perhaps a visit to the psych ward if you think I'm going to fall for any of this."

She immediately rose from her seat, backing away from them. "I suggest that you stop with the games and tell me where the nearest phone is so I can call my friends to come get me the hell away from you and this place."

Their gaze turned steely as Bes stood up himself. "If you do not take our claims seriously then, I suppose, will have no choice but to return you to the dungeon."

"This is not funny nor is that fair." Bailey shook her head violently, hating how her voice was breaking. Bit-by-bit she could feel herself stressing over the information that she was given. "You expect me to believe such nonsense? It's unbelievable. It's not possible. I mean...what the hell would you think if you were in my position?"

"Life is never fair, my dear." Bes replied coolly. "However, I would believe the words spoken to me nonetheless."

"Of course you would say that." Bailey muttered, flinging her arms in disbelief. Her mind went over the previous events that had taken place. She couldn't really deny the strange

gap in her memory of being transported from the Cairo Museum to the middle of absolute nowhere. She couldn't chalk it up to having her drink spiked because it was a few hours prior to going that she actually had one. She felt like a hypocrite even before the words left her mouth. "Can't believe everything you hear."

Her heart dropped and panic began settling in. Oh, God. What happens if it is true? How the hell would I get home?

Bailey's mind reeled at the overload of information and emotions. She could vaguely remember information on Pharaoh Bes and reign and realized that the time period that they were insinuating that she had been transported to was The Middle Kingdom. And all she recalled the most was about Bes being a cruel ruler who basically had a temper tantrum whenever anyone defied him.

Well, wasn't that just dandy.

Tears sprung to her eyes and she choked out a sob. "I've got to go."

With that said Bailey quickly exited the throne room, flinging the doors open and quickly running down the halls. Ignoring the angered yell from Bes as she glanced down each one. She growled in a mix of fear and frustration. Where the hell was she supposed to go? All of the corridors looked exactly the same.

Screw it. She bolted down the corridor to her left, sobbing in relief at seeing daylight at the end of it. Pushing herself, Bailey made it to the exit of the hall and gasped, stopping in her tracks, her eyes widening as she looked at the sight before her.

Her lips quivered, as her mind went to one thing and one thing only: God, I don't think I'll be able to return home...

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