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Twenty three days into the journey and they have all just left the inn of the cross roads. Pretty much everyone is miserable and cersei finally gave into to men's pleas of allowing him to ride with his aunt Liz because he wanted to hear all her amazing stories that he had never heard before.

"... So, I've told you the story of the queen and her evil stepdaughter, what would you like now?" Liz asks tommen who is still giggling slightly at the humorous ending she added.

"Something funny" he says. Out of the corner of her eye she sees Jamie roll his eyes.

"Very well, would you like to tell a story with me? We can make it up as we go and tell one sentence at a time. You join in too Jamie, this game needs more than two people to make it really fun. Right, I'll go first. There once was a man named, hmmm, paddy, yes that's a good name, and he loved chicken" she begins. "Your turn tommen"

"Paddy ate chicken every single day and his pillow was made from chicken feathers" tommen says.

"Come on Jamie, don't be boring" she urges and he sighs,

"One day he chocked on his chicken and died" he says, his voice emotionless

"But then he was reborn as a chicken and paddy went on an adventure to stay alive" she continues and there is a very loud roar in the distance. A black figure emerges in the distance and everyone comes to a halt. "Gertrude"Liz says as it lands about twenty metres up the road, "stay here tommen." She gets off the horse and begins walking towards Gertrude

"Stay back my lady" one of the guards cautions.

"My child will not hurt me" Liz replies and keeps walking. When she is finally in front of her incredibly large dragon that she saw a month ago it bends down, it puts its shoulder to the ground and since Liz has watched game of thrones many, many times she knows what daenerys would do and climbs on. All the guards are white and as sheet and Jamie begins to gallop past them all on his horse, a look of panic on his face but Gertrude turns around and takes off into the air. The sensation of flying is unlike anything Liz has ever felt before. The wind whacking against her face and throwing her hair behind her, she has been on aeroplanes before but never actually been outside and sitting on a dragon type flying. It is now that she realises her mistake, she doesn't know how to get Gertrude to land and Gertrude is flying really fast and really high up so if she falls she's dead which isn't very good when you are absolutely terrified of heights.

She doesn't know how long she is in the air but a familiar castle arrives on the horizon, Winterfell. She lands on a wall of the courtyard, Gertrude roaring at everyone there before letting down her shoulder so Liz can steps off and flying away. Her eyes meet familiar faces only they look scared, probably of Gertrude.

"Liz?" Robb asks, thinking he is in some sort of dream. They walk towards each other and hug, then she hugs Jon who seems a bit stiff. The bran comes over and hugs her gently.

"I'm sorry if I am disturbing your training session" she tells him with a smile. When she looks up again she sees ned standing there with lady catelyn beside him.

"What are you doing here?" Ned asks, not unkindly

"I don't know, Gertrude just arrived and I got on her then she brought me here. We left the inn at the crossroads yesterday"

"Why would you be at the inn at the crossroads?"

"Well we left Kings landing twenty three days ago. Hasn't the Raven arrived? Jon Arryn has passed away, the King is riding north to ask you to be the next hand of the King" she explains and ned looks like he has been slapped. "You didn't know? The fever took him, just a few days and he was gone. He didn't linger long in pain though"

Elizabeth- a Jamie Lannister fanficWhere stories live. Discover now