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"Is this a good idea?" I asked my brother.

"Just climb the stupid tree Lynnie." My fourteen year old brother rolled his eyes. He always has called me by my middle name. I don't really know why.

"Go Kelly!" My younger brother, Carter cheered.

"I hate you both."

"We know." I started to climb the tree in our back yard. We were playing truth or dare with the kids living next door to us and I had to climb to the top. It wasn't that cold out for being winter in Missouri. We had celebrated Thanksgiving yesterday, but dad had to work today.

I was half way up when I looked down.

"Can I come down, Cayden?" I asked my older brother.

"Don't be a chicken Lynnie." I reached for another branch when I heard a snap. I don't even remember falling. But darkness took over.


"Kelly?" I heard my name being called. It sounded like mom. I wanted to talk back but I couldn't move.

"She should wake up any minute now. Don't worry Mrs. DeKoster." Another voice said.

I felt my eyes lighten up and I could feel like the light on my face. "Mom?" I whispered.

"Oh, my baby!" I was engulfed into a hug and then cried of pain.

"Sorry. Love." I opened my eyes and saw my mom and dad standing next to the bed I was in.

I looked down and saw a cast on my left arm. Thank goodness I write left handed. "What happened?"

"Cayden said he made you climb and tree and you fell. He feels bad." Mom said grabbing my hand.

"Is he here?" I asked her. She nodded at dad who walked out of the room. Cayden walked in a minute later.

"Cay!" I cried pulling him into a somewhat hug. I couldn't move my casted arm well. And when I tried, it really hurt.

"Hey Lynnie." He said not hugging back.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" I asked him. He didn't look well.

"Your hurt, and it's my fault." He had tears in his eyes.

"No it's not silly!" He looked up at me. "It's mine! I agreed to climb the tree. It was Jordan's" He lived across the street. Jordan and Cay are the same age.

"I'm sorry Lynnie."

"Me too, Cay." He pulled me into a hug and and I rested my chin on his shoulder.

"I wanna join the hug!" Carter said running over. We chuckled and pulled him into our hug.

"I love you guys."

"We love you too, Lynnie." They said in unison.

"Boys she needs to rest now." Mom said quietly.

"Can I lay with her?" Carter asked mom. She looked at me.

"Yeah." He climbed up on my right side and grabbed my non-broken hand.

I closed my eyes and the darkness overcome.


"I'm not coming with you."

"Ma'am, don't make me call security." The second voice said sternly. I opened my eyes to see my parents escorted out of my room by a security guard. I looked to my right and saw Carter. Cayden was sleeping in the chair to my left.

A black haired lady then walked into the room. "Hello, Kelly. I'm Julie."

"Hello Julie. These are my brothers. Cayden and Carter." I guestered so she knew who was who.

"Listen Kelly. This may be hard to hear. But promise you'll listen."

"I promise."

"You've been kidnapped. They aren't your parents. Cayden and Carter aren't your real siblings."

"What?" I cried. I heard my heartbeat increase thanks to the machine to my left. The doctor then rushed into the room. He looked at Julie then me.

Carter slowly woke up next to me. I felt a tear go down the side of my cheek. I knew they weren't my real brothers. Mom said she adopted me when I was two.

"I said you couldn't speak to her." He said sternly. "Get out!" He snapped at her. Cayden then woke up and stared at the doctor and lady. Julie have me a 'we aren't done look' and walked out of the room.

Doc gave me an apologic smile. "Sorry Kelly."

"It's alright. But she's lying right?"

Doc walked toward me, "I'm sorry, but she is telling the truth."

Tears started rushing Down my cheeks. "Cayden!" I cried. He bolted up and came next to me.

"What's wrong Lynnie?"

"You are all not biologically related. You are all kidnapped children." Doc told him. Cayden blinked at him and then looked at my crying figure.

He pulled me into a hug. "Tell me it's not true." He started to cry.

"I wish it wasn't." I whispered into his chest.

"Cayden. I need you to come with me." Doc added after a moment of silence.

"Why?" He asked.

"Your family is here."

"My family is in this room." He said sternly. Putting his arm around my shoulder.

The door then re-opened and a red headed woman and a brunette man walked into the room. "Carson!" They both cried and pulled him into a hug.

"Who are you? My names Cayden." Cayden asked, he backed up towards me.

"Your parents. Will and Kerry Johnson." They said smiling.

"I have parents. And you aren't them. I'll talk to you later Lynnie." He said coldly. He pulled out of their embrace and ran out of the room.

"Cay bear!" I cried, not wanting him to leave. The couple turned to me.

"Cay bear?" The woman questioned.

"He's my brother. He calls me Lynnie, and so I call him Cay bear." I told them. Carter was glued to my side, still being silent.

The man frowned, "Your not his sister, he has siblings at home waiting for him." His wife gave him a look. That set me off. I've always been a calm person.

Even being told i'm kidnapped. Now that I think I can kind of see it. We had no cousins, aunts, uncles, or granparents at all. As if they were hiding us from the world but were very discrete. I am a huge Criminal Minds junkie. Mom and dad don't seem like psychopaths. Should I even call them mom and dad?

I smiled at the man. "Being family, is more than the same blood and parents. Now, get the hell out of my room." I said. The man looked stunned.

"Sorry to have bothered you darling." The lady apologized. She pulled on the man's arm and they walked out of the room.

"Your lucky momma didn't hear you use a bad word." Carter whispered into my shoulder.

"I'm lucky if I even have a momma." I whispered back. He gave me a wierd look and snuggled into my non-broken side.

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