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I woke up around 7:30. I had prayed this was all a dream. That Cay would have came in a jumped on my bed waking me up, that dad would bring me a hot chocolate and we would all watch Saturday Cartoons together.

We had this couch in our basement. Dad and Carter would sit on the couch. I would then sit on the floor inbetween dad's legs and Carter did the same with Cayden.

I closed my eyes thinking of those memories and fell asleep for a few more hours. I was being shooken awake. "Go away Cayden." I mumbled. I could see their faces in my dream.

My birthday was next month. I would have turned 13. Cayden would have gotten me another book to read, Carter would have drawn me a picture in art class. I begged mom and dad to get me a new bike. Looks like i'll never get that bike.

"Oh dear." The voice said.

"Honey, it will take some time." Another voice added.

"Katherine." My shoulder was being rubbed.

"Carter. Not you too." I rolled over and shoved my face into my pillow. Carter. He's only eight. I can't imagine what he's thinking and feeling.

"Kelly." The other voice said.

"Okay. Okay." I rubbed my eyes and looked up at the two people who took me from my family. Don't sound Negative. It's the opposite. They rescused you. But I loved my other family.

"Morning darling." Tara told me, smiling.

I looked them up and down. "Hi."

"Breakfest is ready." She said touching my cheek. I flinched.

"Sorry. Oh I. Nevermind." She walked out of the room and he followed her, after giving me an apologetic look.

After realizing that my stomach was growling, I walked into the hallway and was able to smell bacon. I slowly walked down the stairs and followed the smell. I walked into the kittchen and ten eyes looked at me. I looked down and rubbed my arm that was in a cast.

"Go ahead dear, the eggs are almost done." Tara said smiling. I walked over to the table and sat next to Zac.

"She remembers where she sat." Tara cried. I looked up and they were at staring at me again. Feeling uncomfortable, I got up and ran upstars to my room. I locked the door and jumped on to the bed. I started to cry again. I hate this. I hate this life.

I want to go home. I don't care about blood relations. I hate being the center of attention. Why can't this nightmare end? I want my family. What does that even mean anymore? Family.

"Katherine!" There was a knock on my door. I didn't move. I want my mom and dad back. I want those dumb hooligans, I called my brothers.

"Katie!" There was another knock. I quietly crept towards the door, to hear the conversation.

"This is all your fault mom." The girl quietly yelled. Her name was Courtney I think.

"Is not."

"You made her uncomfortable." Someone else said. I think it was Liam.

"Let me talk to her. You all go downstairs."

"Why you dad?" Courtney asked.

"We have similar situations." I heard a bunch of foot steps slowly backing away from my door.

"Kelly." He said calmly. "It's just me." Do I open the door?

I slowly undid the lock and peeked out. It was him standing there with a bagel and little bottle of orange juice. I opened my door, and he walked in. He handed me the bagel and cream cheese. I took a sip of orange juice.

"Thank you." I told him. I sat against the bed. He went and sat against the wall across from me. Our feet were almost touching in the middle.

"You have had to be hungry. You didn't want any dinner last night."

"I wasn't hungry." I told him honestly.

"But now you are. I could hear your tummy rumbling."

"You heard that? I sounded like a dying whale." We both chuckled. I took that moment to really look at my 'father.' He had curly brown hair that still looked like he just had rolled out of bed with it and gray eyes. He was very tall. He had a strong cheekbone. He had a scar next to his right ear. I almost missed it, his little beard covers it well.

"How did you get your scar?" I asked him.

"When I was younger, I was in and out of foster care." Oh gosh. "There was one family who only took me in because they got extra money. They made me do all the chores, and when I refused they would whip me with a belt. Luckily my case worker decided to stop by one day, she saw it all and then I got a new family who kept me till I was 18 and were the nicest folks."

"You were adopted." I said quietly.

"Yep. But for 13 years of my life I was in different families every two years. Each family wanted to name me a different name."

"What is your name?" I asked him.

"It's Christopher. I didn't know it was my real name till I was 13."

"Like how my name isn't Kelly. It's Katherine." He nodded. I sighed.

"What did they name you?" He asked curiously.

"My name is, well was, Kelly Lynn DeKoster."

He sighed. "I will call you Kelly."

"Really?" I asked him.

"You and I can relate more than anyone. For the first two years of being with my last family, I wanted to be called Jimmy, like the last family had. They refused and then I accepted Christopher. I don't want you to have to choose. I like Kelly. You seem like a Kelly."

"My brothers called me Lynnie." I told him.

"Would you like that to be your nickname?" He asked.

"Lynnie or Kel. Sometimes Cayden used to call me Lynnie Poo." He laughed.

"We won't call you that."

"Thank you." I told him, smiling. "For sharing." I added after a moment of silence.

"Your welcome." He stood up. "Thank you." He paused. "For understanding." He smiled and walked out of my room.

Finding Katherine {Complete}Where stories live. Discover now