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Courtney's POV

"You can change the station if you want." I told Seth. I may have conflicted feelings toward him but this music sucks. Wait. Shut up Courtney. He happily changed the station and turned his attention back to the countryside.

For January, there wasn't much snow on the ground. A light coat was on the ground. I had always liked Christmas time, for the snow. White Christmases always seemed pure and happy. But it has been the wierdest Christmas this year. And it all begins with Katie.


I glanced back and saw Katie fast asleep. Her head was on a spare jacket I keep in my car, and on Liam's lap.

I was so glad and happy when she hugged me, I knew that we were okay. I need to apologize to her in the right way but I knew we were good. Her smile was all I needed.

The bags under her eyes saddened me. They could have competed with mom's. She hasn't slept in days, well neither has Liam.

It took some serious convincing but mom still wanted Katie to ride with her and dad. Katie then told mom that she wanted to ride with us.

You could tell she was offended and hurt but she knew we'd take care of her. I feel so bad, she's gone through so much.

We just crossed the Iowa/Missouri line and I happily sighed. About three hours and then we can all be home. "You want to change drivers?" Seth asked.

I looked back and saw all three of them asleep in the backseat. "Please." I slowed down and pulled into the shoulder. I'm so exhausted, I don't even care about highway and rules.

Seth climbed into the drivers seat and turned his left blinker on. "Go ahead and sleep. I'll get us home." I slightly nodded and turned my head toward the window.

I knew I wouldn't be able to fall asleep so I just listened to him hum the song on the radio.

"We can talk when your ready Court." I could then feel his hand lightly rubbing my arm. He must know im not asleep. I would rather we didn't have this conversation infront of my brother, sister, and Seth's younger brother...

I sighed and continued to stare at the empty snow covered fields.

Katherine's POV

"Welcome home." Country had her right arm over my shoulders. Our off white colored home looked the same as it did three weeks ago. I opened the door and saw my grandparents and Zac in the living room.

I ran toward my brother with open arms. "Katie!" He cheerled.

"Hi Zacky." I whispered.

"Don't leave me again." He whimpered.

"I won't." I looked into his big green eyes. I let him go and I walked toward my grandparents. Zac happily jumped into Courtney's arms.

"Hello dear." My grandma placed her manicured hands gently on my shoulders. My grandpa pulled me into a bone crushing hug.

"Go on up and get some sleep. We'll all be here when you wake." Grandpa told me. "We're just glad your home Katie." I slowly started to walk up the stairs but it hurt. About halfway up, I fell onto my knees and stuck my head on the step above me. My legs can't do these stairs.

I felt someone grab my legs and arms. Liam lifted me up bridal style into his arms. "Thanks." I whispered. He nodded and opened my door and I absorebed the surroundings. Home. He set me down and I was standing on my feet. I continued to stare at everything that I haven't seen in weeks.

I saw my phone was on my bed, I rushed toward my bed and did a belly flop. I looked at my lock screen. I have a lot of missed calls and texts.

Mom, Dad, Court, Liam, Seth, and Barret.


I'm not sure how I feel about him. Liam told me that he really likes me. But I barely know him. I told Liam that I liked him as a friend and he broke out into laughter.

That's right. I'm apparently friend-zoning Barret. After all it seems that Court and Seth have unfinished buisness. I wasn't asleep the whole car ride home.

Honestly, I just want to pass the eighth grade. I was gone three weeks, Ba hum bug. Hello homework till I'm twenty.

I got on my phone and went to the app that shows you your grades. I sighed.

English C
Art B-
Science D-
Geography C-
Algebra 1 D+
Spanish 1 D-

"Can't wait to go back." I said sarcastically looking at them. But the truth is, I do want to go back. I actually enjoy the learning process.

But now I just want to stay right here, in my home town, in my home, and with my family, nothing needs to change now..

Besides my grades..

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