(Felix K.) Pewdiepie x Reader : The Catacombs Challenge

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(Pewdiepie/Felix is single in this story, I love you Marzia, but I had to take you out for this insert :P)

So lemme get this straight.... you're not going down with me?" your best friend Felix asked you,leaning on the entrance to the catacombs.

You shook your head in response. Felix was a YouTuber, #1 subscribed actually, almost 30 million bros. You we're following in second place with 19 million, which you were quite proud of.

"Nope Felix,you're doing this alone." You replied.

" But (Y/N)! You love horror and scary stuff like this!" Felix practically cried.

"Yeah, but this stuff is too intense for me..." you said.

Felix sighed.

"Okay,okay. I just don't wanna piss my pants when I die in there."Felix said.

You held out a pair of Felix's jeans.

"I thought you might say that." you smiled.

Felix laughed. His laugh made you melt. The way he smiled when he did made your cheeks flame up. You turned your head away, hoping your (H/C) hair would hide your blush.

"Hey," you spoke,"be careful. I don't want you getting hurt, let alone die."

"(Y/N)..." Felix said,a hint of confusion in his voice.

"I'm serious. I really care about you Felix." you said,not realizing what you just said.

Felix was about to say something when a man in a suit with slick black hair holding a candle approached him.

"Are you ready to face fear itself?" he said boldly.

Felix replied with a simple yes and turned to you. You gave him a weak smile before he had to turn around and descend into the catacombs.

After a few minutes the same man in the suit ascended the stairs. He looked at you and smiled grimly.

"Are you ready, Miss (Y/N)?"

You nodded and felt a terrible lump in your throat as you followed the man into darkness.

You always hated the dark.

~~~~~~~~~~time skip cuz pewds is so fricking fabulous~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Holy shit bros. This is so fahking scary...." Felix nervously laughed.

He was fine, a bit nervous and then-BAM!!! jumpscare! After about half an hour,he had collected two keys. Only one left Felix smiled to himself. After this he would go and visit the Eiffel Tower and go to the highest point and kiss you passionately. Felix really likes you. Aw to heck with it, he loves you so much, he'd be a barrel if he could get a kiss from you.

If only you knew how he felt. Felix kept walking around the catacombs when he heard your voice. Well not voice... more like screams...

"AHH NO NO, PLEASE DON'T!" your voice screamed.

Felix's heart stopped. He couldn't find you and he started to worry he wouldn't find you.

Then here was a squishy noise. No not the ' eww I stepped in dog poop' noise, it was the ' oh my god someone just got stabbed' noise .

"AHHH! PLEASE NO!" It was your voice again.

There was a sound of some type of weapon swinging in to so something... most likely your skin.

Felix's eyes teared up as he ran through the catacombs,when the instructions the man in the suit gave him, said other wise.

Felix was heart broken. He was terrified he he lost you. But his heart ached even more after he heard your voice again :

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