Chapter 10 (Zhang)

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The downpour was relentless, lasting several hours. The lively peace that was once here in Eagle Peak was no more. Desolation hung in the air and was nigh impossible to lift, even when we were away from that place. We were making our way down the mountain pass at a steady pace when the storm caught us off-guard, forcing us to take shelter in a nearby cave. I sat beside the fire, warming my hands and staring into the mesmerizing flames. My mind drifted to the events that happened barely a few days ago.


After the battle, we emerged from the main hall with Yijian-fashi, Fuxin, the rescued acolytes, and the wounded zhuchi, who was being supported by Ganzorig. As we slowly made our way down the steps, we were greeted by the destruction of the monastery that lay before us; nearly everything had been destroyed, except for the main hall and a few surrounding buildings that were mostly intact. Burning ash from the ruins drifted in the air, bringing with it the scent of death. Bodies of enemies and humans lay where they fell. So many dead! It was all quite... I felt a hand on my arm, steadying me.


Our progress halted as a young monk approached us, followed by a handful of survivors—a couple of acolytes and senior monks. They swarmed in, jostling us aside to reach their leader. Ganzorig opened his mouth to retort but thought better of it and allowed the young monk to gently support the zhuchi's weight. We watched as the monks examined their leader and convened, occasionally shooting unfriendly looks in our direction. A couple of monks were sent on an errand.

At last, they turned their attention to us. Their faces appeared wooden and closed. I felt my muscles tense on instinct. The hand on my arm, Shen-shaoye's, unconsciously tightened its grip. There our two groups stood silent as we waited for the onslaught of verbal barrage that was sure to follow.

A heavyset monk stepped forward. His expression was relaxed. Inclining his head slightly, he gestured grandly, "Dear guests, on behalf of the monastery and the zhuchi, we would like to thank you for coming to his rescue. It is a pity that he got wounded while trying to protect the relic. Perhaps you all are not quite the martial artists that you claim to be. Or perhaps you are the 'black stars of misfortune' sent to destroy us." He paused dramatically for effect, watching us through slit eyes.

"You!" I felt the weight of his accusation behind his rude gesture towards me. "You had the nerve to bend Zhuchi to your will with that sob story of yours and forcing us to teach you all our secret arts. For what? So that you can lead these miscreants here to steal our relic and—"

I shook off Shen-shaoye's hand from my arm and drew myself to full height. Authoritatively, I challenged them, "Are you suggesting that my friends and I are aligned with that despicable group, the killers of my own sister? I would never stoop that low to ally myself with that bunch, even if they tortured me. My conscience would never allow that. Where were you when Zhuchi went to fend off these attackers? Most likely you were hiding in the privy, where no one could find you." His face flushed at these words. Fuxin and the acolytes snickered. During the battle, few monks, if any, went to the zhuchi's aid. I remembered Zhiguan-fashi dying valiantly in the anteroom.

"Insolent girl! You speak as if you were righteous like Guanyin! I myself had been tending to the wounded," he retorted, looking quickly behind him as if for reassurance. "My brothers, we should send her out at once!" All of us tensed. The other monks remained still, neither supporting nor denouncing him, as if they were crows watching for their opportunity. Suddenly, the zhuchi coughed, drawing our attention. Weakly, he spoke, "Do not fight, brothers. This is the time we band together against... a common enemy." He broke off coughing.

"Don't speak, Zhuchi! Save your strength," the monk holding him said soothingly. Just then the two monks returned with a makeshift stretcher and they gingerly laid him onto it. Before we could offer any help, the heavyset monk glared at us and followed the group carrying the stretcher.

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