Chapter 5 "Traveling"

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Twelve years had passed since my relationship with Albus had began and only me and him knew about it. I was still his apprentice and I was starting to wish for more. I wanted more excitement, more adventure, and more than a relationship that only happen behind closed doors.

"Albus.... do you think we could ever tell people about us?" I asked as I looked over at him.

"We have talked about it Liz.... no one will agree with us. You are thirty-one and I am forty-five." He said as he looked down at me.

"So? We are only fourteen years apart....I have seen people much older get married." I said softly.

He let out a sigh as I walked up to him and set on his lap.

"I can't and you know that." He said as he moved his hand to my face.

"Albus...... I don't care what they say..... you are the greatest and the kindest person I know..... and I love you." I said softly.

I leaned forward and kissed him deeply. He kissed me back and I smiled as I pulled him against me and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Liz..... no matter what I feel for you.... we can't tell anyone." He said as he pulled away.

"Why?" I asked as I stood up.

"Because I was your teacher."

"So! You aren't my teacher anymore! Albus I love you!" I snapped angrily.

He let out a sigh as he stood up and walked over to the door and the turned to face me.

"I can't..... I'm sorry, but..... I won't risk it." He said softly.

"Then I can't do this anymore.... I'm sorry, but I'm leaving." I said as I pushed past him.

"Elizabeth! Elizabeth wait!" Albus yelled after me.

I kept walking until I was outside and then I apparated away from Hogwarts and to my house. I let out a sigh as I set in a chair and covered my face with my hands. After awhile news of me leaving Hogwarts spread and Newt came to visit me. I smiled as he walked into my house and put his suitcase down.

"Newt what are you doing here?" I asked softly.

" Came to offer you an adventure..... want to travel the world with me?" Newt asked with a smile.

"When do we leave?" I asked with a smile.

"Now, go back some things." He said with a smile.

I rushed into my room and grabbed everything I needed. I saw a picture of me and Albus and I shook my head as I put it in my suitcase and shut it. I looked up and smiled as I saw Fawkes on my window sill.

"Let me guess Albus sent you... well give him a letter for me please." I said as I pulled out a quill and paper and started to write.

Dear Albus,

You once asked me what was my happiest memory, and I said it was nothing, but it was the greatest day of my life..... the day I met you. You mean the world to me and I love you more than anything in the world, but I can't keep waiting for you. I am leaving to travel the world and I hope that by the time I am done...... you stop worrying about age and realize that we have only one life and we need to live it. I hope you find what you need..... I love you.

Elizabeth Scamander

I let out a sigh as I gave the letter to Fawkes.

"Give him my love." I said as I patted his head.

I walked out of my room and smiled as I took Newt's hand and we apparated away. I smiled as we got on the ship and I let out a sigh. After I put my suitcase in my room, I left to find Newt. I smiled as I found him sitting on a bench with his suitcase in hand.

"I can't believe we are going to New York." I said with a small smile.

"Yea...... I'm glad you came with me..... it can become boring traveling alone." Newt said as he sent me a smile.

"What are big sisters for?" I asked with a laugh.

"To steal food, pick on us, and to not speak to the older brother." he said calmly.

"Listen I'll talk to Theseus the day I think he actually feels sorry for what he did." I said as I leaned back in my chair.

"What about Professor Dumbledore?"

"What about him?" I asked confused.

"Will you finally return to being his apprentice or will you keep hiding from him?" He asked with a smile.

"I am not hiding from him..... I am taking a break." I said softly.

"Is that why you haven't spoken to him in four months?" He asked calmly.

"Shut up." I said as I stood up and walked away from him.

I walked into my room and let out a sigh as I moved my hand to my necklace and played with it. I laid on my bed and smiled as I opened it up to look at the picture of me and Albus. I shut the locket and let out a sigh as tears streamed down my face. I rolled over on my side and pulled the blanket closer to me.

"I miss you." I whispered as I shut my eyes and fell asleep.

When I woke up we had arrived in New York and I let out a sigh as I walked beside Newt and we got searched. I handed my suitcase over and smiled as they gave it back to me.

"Welcome to New York." The man said with a smile.

"Thank you." I said as I walked past him.

I met up with Newt and we started through the city. We made it to a bank and I shook my head as I heard a woman cursing Witches and Wizards. I saw a boy holding flyers and watched as someone bumped into him and knocked them out of his hands. I walked towards him and bent down to help him pick them up.

"Thank you." he said as I handed then to him.

"You're welcome. My names Elizabeth Scamander, and you are?" I asked as I looked at the flyer.

"Credence Barebone." He said as he looked at the ground.

"It was nice meeting you Credence." I said as I sent him a smile and left to find Newt.

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