Team Blood

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No excuses for not updating things. I'm just lazy and shit person. Now with that out the way let us (try to) get back on track!

(Y/n) had very odd dreams about fighting otherworldly creatures. Horrific looking beings that would tower over most grimm and whose strength also makes them more of a threat. They all have a look that hurts the eyes to stare at. They are vile looking creatures. In the flashes throughout his dream he sees what looks like old victorian buildings. He sees a man fight these beings and he looks familiar. It actually looks like him. As the dream ends he hears a soft female voice.
???:"...And so the nightly hunt begins again."
(Y/n) wakes up in the ballroom and realizes he is one of the few that is awake. However since the sun is up and now that he is awake he decides to go to the lockers and get his gear and then go ahead to the cliff and just wait for the initiation to begin. However, he isn't the only one out there as he sees a woman with a bird mask that looks like that of a nevermore along with a feather cloak from that of a nevermore as well.

 However, he isn't the only one out there as he sees a woman with a bird mask that looks like that of a nevermore along with a feather cloak from that of a nevermore as well

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She was sitting on the grass with her mask and hat off revealing maroon hair with emerald eyes. She was currently sharpening her curved daggers. She notices (Y/n) but doesn't really acknowledge him thus, (Y/n) sits down a little bit away from her and begun to sharpen his great sword and when he finished that he begun to take apart and clean his lever action shotgun. Though every once in a while she would steal at glance at (Y/n) and after that she seemed to have a ever so slight smile. She remembers the young man sitting next her, though it's a bit different now. He hasn't said anything to her leading her to assume he doesn't remember her, though the smile he wears makes the sadness of being forgotten well worth it. At least in her eyes. It doesn't take long for Ozpin and Glynda to walk up to which (Y/n) says.
(Y/n):"Morning Mom and Ozpin."
Glynda just smiles at her son and as she thinks about how much he's grown.
Glynda:"Good Morning son."
Ozpin:"Good Morning, Mr. Goodwitch. Aren't you a little early."
(Y/n):"Well I woke up early and just decided I would come to the cliff and look out over the forest."
Ozpin:"I see and what of you Miss Nikos?"
Miss Nikos:"I like the peace and quiet so since I woke up early I thought I would avoid being in the massive disruptive crowd of people."
As she finishes saying this a carrion bird with glowing blue eyes flies up and lands on her shoulder before it caws.
Ozpin:"Fair enough."
It doesn't take long for the rest of the students to make it to the cliff as it nears time for the initiation. (Y/n) (unlike any of the other characters I have written) listens to Ozpin's speech intently (now that being said I also don't know what he gave as directions so yeah).  (Y/n) watches the others ahead of him before he himself is thrown into the air. It's seems the other's have an easier time landing thanks to either their equipment or semblance. Maria using her glyphs (because she is a Schnee) to slow her down before flipping off the last one landing onto her feet in eloquent fashion. However, Djura is a bit more destructive in his form of stopping as he fires a canon shot forward causing him to rapidly slow down. Eileen (aka Miss Nikos) was swarmed by a murder of carrion birds that wrap around and carry her to the ground. (Y/n) on the other hand, cleaves his greatsword into a king Taijitu however it doesn't go all the way through it only manages to get itself wedged. (Y/n) then hears a growl right next to his ear causing him to remove his sword from the bladed sheath making it a smaller sword, not really a shortsword but by comparison it might as well be. He then slashes at the beast taking its head off spewing blood from the wound (yeah I'm making grimm bleed because why not). He the lifts the shotgun from his side and blows the head off the one to his immediate right causing another spatter of viscera. Then he walks to the Taijitu that is thrashing but seems to be crippled by his greatsword. He then reconnects his weapon before pulling the blade out of the creature causing it to writhe in agony before thrusting the blade deep into the creatures head through its eye subsequently killing the creature. He then rests his greatsword over his shoulder and walking through the forest only to see a guy in all grey and wielding a cannon and a mace with what looks like a circular saw on his back (I know he uses the stake driver in the game but I like the whirligig saw plus it is a powder kegs weapon so it kinda fits). Then he turns to look at (Y/n) at this the man smiles and says.
Djura:"I guess that makes us partners."
He then extended his hand to shake of which (Y/n) gladly accepted and shook hands but he then had a flash of being in a place that looked burned and filled with odd looking creatures, he then also sees Djura. He then shakes his head and looks confused. Djura sees this but doesn't look as surprised. The two begun to walk in the direction of the relics by the time they get there they see everyone getting chess pieces as a deathstalker is frozen in place and a nevermore is overhead. Djura and (Y/n) grab a piece and heads back towards the cliff. Djura and (Y/n) are caught behind four other people as the bridge collapses. As that happens a deathstalker comes erupting from the woods. The eight hunstmen in training ready their weapons, but it appears the deathstalker isn't alone as another roar erupts by another grimm creature appears.

 The eight hunstmen in training ready their weapons, but it appears the deathstalker isn't alone as another roar erupts by another grimm creature appears

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The creature lets out a screech before (Y/n), Djura, Maria, and Eileen turns their attention to the creature. (Y/n) glides his hand along his sword causing it to glow a dark green before swing his sword sending a green ethereal slash which cuts the creatures right leg off. At that moment Maria dashes forward and spins with her dual ended blade (Rakuyo) causing her to sever its left leg. As it goes to punch Maria a swarm of birds fly past her and they all hear the clink of metal as Eileen slices with great speed up the creatures larger arm reducing it to pieces. Lastly, to finish off the grimm Djura fires the cannon right into its face blowing the beast in half. (Y/n) then exclaims.
(Y/n):"Awesome team work guys!"
They all nod and smile at his enthusiasm during this process the other have dealt with each respective grimm.
-timskip to allocation-
Ozpin:"I would like to call up (Y/n) Goodwitch, Maria Schnee, Djura Valkyrie, and Eileen Nikos."
They all walked up to the stage. Ozpin then began with.
Ozpin:"You all we'll be known as Team Blood and you will be led by (Y/n) Goodwitch. (Because I can't think of a good acronym so yeah)"
Team Blood then bowed and headed off to their dorm. The moment they were all in Maria then asks.
Maria:"(Y/n) now be honest with us. Do you remember any one of us?"
(Y/n)'s head begins to hurt worst than any headache he has ever had leading to him passing out.

A/n: That's another part completed. I hope you all enjoyed and I hope to see you all in the next one. Until then, Peace!

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