Chapter 1: Pilot

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(A/N: I do not own the Teen Titans)

—In Africa—

Wednesday November 21, 2012
It was Garfield's birthday and his parents and him were on a boat in Africa. Everything was perfect until they had an accident. Garfield was the only survivor. Marie and Luke Logan were dead, they had drown, leaving their little boy, a 10 years old, alone in Africa. That was until someone find him.

"Hey, you okay kid?" The lil Garfield was sitting on the ground, hugging his legs with his chin on them.

"N-no.. I-I lost my parents... I'm alone now" The little boy told the man while he was sobbing.

"It's okay... you're not alone anymore" The man put a knee on the ground and put a hand on the blond boy's shoulder.

"You can stay with us" Proposed a woman standing behind the man.

"B-but my parents... what am I going to do?"

"We'll help you don't worry about it" The man said. "I'm Steve, what's your name Kiddo?"

"Garfield, G-Garfield Logan"

"I'm Rita, follow me I won't let a little boy like you sleep in the jungle all alone!" The woman affirmed.

The blond boy followed them and some days later, they did the funerals.

The young couple adopted him and took care of him like he was their own child. He loved them too but always saw them only has adoptive parents and never real ones. Every year on his birthday, they tried to make him happy, but it never worked. He never wanted to celebrate his birthday again since he always remembered what happened and he always thought it was his fault.

—Jump City—

In another town named Jump City, a girl and her mother where stoke with Tristan Roth, a drug lord and an horrible father and husband. He had a wife named Angie and a daughter named Rachel. Rachel and her mother had to keep that Tristan was sealing drugs a secret.

One day, the little girl asked her mom "Why his dad mean to us?" and her mother told her "That's a complicated story Rachel but when you'll be 16 I want you to leave... runaway, do everything so he doesn't find you... Promise me you'll do has I said"

The black haired girl promised her mother she would do it but one day, her father found out that Angie Roth was cheating on him with a man named Sebastian and decided to punish her. His punishment wasn't just a little bruise or something like that but a crime, precisely a murder. He had killed her boyfriend and made it look like a suicide.

Rachel's mother wasn't happy about that and decided to tell the police even with her daughter's advertisement. Tristan found out about it like every time and killed her right in front of his daughter's face.

He had hurt her, his little 9 years old girl, without any regrets on his facial expression. He told her he would do worst if she betrayed him like his wife did. So she never dared tell anyone about it, and if Tristan was to know that she did something he told her not to, he would do it again and again until she understand and finally listen to him and his orders.

—6 years later—

Monday September 10, 2018
In Jump City, Rachel Roth, now 15 years old, is with her friend, Jason Todd, in an alleyway waiting for the cops, in the store next to them, to go away so they can finish their business.

After the cops where gone, Jason handed Rachel a pack of cigarettes and she handed him 300$. They talked a little, but they quickly ran to their houses.

When Rachel got back, she ran into her room and was going to smoke her cigarette only to be stop by the sound of her IPhone X vibrating on her nightstand. She took it and looked at it only to see Kory's number on the front. She quickly canceled her call and decided to meditate.

While she was doing her meditation, her phone kept on vibrating on her bed until she finally answered the call.

"What do you want?" She asked Kory, rage filling her.

Kory was a kind and naive cheerleader, she was also the most beautiful and popular girl in school even if she wasn't the leader of the cheerleader team. In fact the leader was Tara Markov, a blond b**** always thinking about her and only her, at least that's when she wasn't sleeping with every boys of the school. Rachel and her are rivals but everyone knows that if they got into a fight, it's the most feared one that would win, Rachel Roth. Everyone in the school was afraid of her and nobody ever dared mess with her.

Anyway, the beautiful red haired girl responded to her through the other side of the line. "Well, I wanted to ask you if you could come to my place to work on our school project" the now purple haired girl growled and yelled her answer at the cheerleader.

"NO" and she canceled the call again. She tried to meditate again but this time, she received a FaceTime call from Garth, the most annoying guy she knew. She responded to his call and asked him what the f*** did he want.

"I want to ask you out on a date... I know you can't be happier then you are right now... I'm the most popular and gorgeous guy in the whole school anyway" Garth said with a lot of narcissistic.

Rachel looked at him through her phone's screen and to his surprise, she showed him her middle finger and mouthed "f*** you" only to completely close her phone and put it on a black desk.

Her room was pretty dark and all but she still had a beautiful Queen sized bed all for herself. Her father was rich since he was a drug lord, but even if he was one, he never wanted his beautiful daughter to smoke or anything. He kept on telling her how much it's bad for her health while he was smoking and drinking all the time.

The little rebel stopped her meditation some minutes later when she heard her father come back home. She hid her cigarettes and started to read Harry Potter. Her dad bursted into her bedroom and started to search for drugs or alcohol.

"Where did you hide it?" He yelled at her.

"Hide what?" The young teenager denied.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about" He walked closer her and started to search her pockets and her bag.

After some research, he didn't find anything other than the empty pack of cigarettes, she took a month before, in her garbage. So he got out of his daughter's room and straight to his office. He wasn't just a drug lord of course, he was also a businessman working in the Wayne enterprise for, obliviously, the billionaire Bruce Wayne. Bruce had an adoptive son named Richard (Dick) Grayson, the most popular guy in school and also Kory's crush. Dick was someone who liked to be alone and the others knew that. Vic had a girlfriend named Karen Beecher. Karen was a big friend of Kory, Wally, Jinny, Garth, Roy and even Adam also known as Adonis.

Adam was a profiteer and he was as narcissistic as Garth. He was using naive teenage girls just for his own pleasure. The worst is that one of them was none other then Roth. Adam was Rachel's ex boyfriend.

Rachel looked at her clock. It was already 10 PM so she closed the lights and went to sleep, abandoning the idea of doing her meditation.

At the same time somewhere else in Jump City, a couple and their adoptive son arrived at their new house. The boy, now 15 years old, decided to go straight to his new bedroom. There was nothing in the room at that moment, but he was still very happy.

47 minutes later, his King sized bed was in the bedroom with all his boxes filled with clothes, decorations, video games and even more. The young boy laid down on his bed, putting the green covers on his body. He was too tired to take the time to get change and fell asleep without knowing that living in this new town and going to Jump City High would change his life forever.

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