Chapter 12: Rumors Aren't Reality

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Monday September 17, 2018
The next morning, the two teenagers woke up cuddling each other on the couch. They quickly got up in embarrassment and Garfield looked at the hour on his phone. He murmured "F***" and started to pack his stuff for school. "Gar what is it?" Rachel asked panicked.

Gar turned to look at her. "We're late for school" He sternly yet nicely responded.

"S***" She said before running upstairs to get change. 'Oh no I forgot' She thought panicked. During the weekend, she was wearing the same clothes since Rita cleaned them and that she forgot to go to the manor to search her clothes. She ran downstairs to see Garfield ready to go, frowning cause she didn't got her things or changed. "Gar my things for school and my clothes are at manor!" She exclaimed. He gripped her arm and ran to the manor with her. When they arrived, Tristan wasn't there so they got inside together and took what they needed. Rachel changed clothes and asked to their butler to drive them to school.

--At J.C.H--

When they arrived the main doors of the school were locked so they had to pass by the doors of the secretariat, next to the principal's office. The teenagers entered and ran to their lockers. They crossed Jason Todd and Kora Anders next to their own lockers, they were skipping class together to take care a drug deal. Garfield continued to run to his locker while Rachel had been stopped by Jason. Kora was now walking to her own locker. "Hey, you ready to skip class" She looked at him weirdly before gasping when she remembered that they always made their drug deals on Mondays.

"Oh yeah of course... I don't have the money on me, I stayed at Garfield's this weekend"

"Okay we'll deal with this at lunch time and- woah woah woah... you stayed at Gar's house this weekend... did you slept there?" She pressed her pale lips together as she nodded. "Okay will talk about that later" She nodded again and went to her locker but what she didn't know was that her biggest rival heard her.

"OMG she slept with the new guy already" Tara Markov told her friends Kora and Kitty that were just next to her. "We gotta tell it to everyone guys, that's like girls" They took their phones and started to spread this rumor around the school.

--In Class--

Meanwhile, Gar and Rachel were listening to the teacher's orders for a school project when the other student's phones started ringing cause they got some notifications. They all read the messages they received and when they finished reading some of them gasped, started to talk to the person next to them, looked at Rachel and Garfield or you could hear them talk about them. Gar looked at Rae but she looked as confused as him.

--Lunch Time--

Gar and Rachel were walking to their usual table only to see people looking at them and Victor leave their seat and go back to his usual one with his other friends. Kory was sitting there too but she also left to sit with her older sister and her lil gang. Jason was heading to their table too but decided to leave and go eat somewhere else like at McDonald. Garfield and the purple haired teen sat at Dick's table and saw that he seemed angry. "Dick, what's happening?" Rachel asked.

"Yeah dude, why is everyone looking at us like that?" Dick sighed.

"Did you two slept together?" The two teenagers went wide eyes. "WHAT, NO" They replied at the same time. "You can tell me the truth, I'm your friend guys"

Rachel was getting angry an yelled at Dick. "WE ALREADY TOLD YOU... WE DIDN'T" He murmured a 'sorry' to Rachel who was standing up. Gar pulled Rachel down and she was sitting again.

"There's some rumors about you two sleeping together" The two victims had wide eyes and looked at each other before looking back at Dick and then at the others, Kory, Victor and even Adam. Adonis was glaring at them and he looked really really angry.

--After School--

Garfield's parents came to take the two teens at their house but they were still inside so they waited in car. Garfield was talking to Victor about the rumors. "Dude please talk to me... can you at least listen dude" Vic turned around and looked at his friend. "These rumors aren't the truth okay... we never slept together and I even have a proof" Victor was mocking him a bit.

"Okay what is this 'proof' you can show me?" The blond boy inhaled and exhaled.

"I'm a virgin and I never even kissed a girl in my whole life" The footballer gasped and had wide eyes too. "No... I don't believe you" He said giggling. "I'm serious dude" Gar replied with a little laugh. The tall and strong African American boy started laughing uncontrollably. Logan didn't felt good since he thought that he was mocking him for being virgin and because he still didn't got his first kiss.

"I'm just joking man, I don't care Gar" His friend smiled and they got out of the school together.

Meanwhile, Rachel was talking with Kory since Jason didn't came back after lunch time. They were sitting in the inside part of the cafeteria. "Why are you ignoring me Kory?" The red haired girl gulped.

"My sister, Kora says that I should not be doing the hanging out with the s***" Rachel gasped and had wide eyes again.

"Why would you say something like that about me?" Kory looked from right to left to finally look at her again. "Well, didn't you had sex with Garfield this weekend?" At the moment Kory said that, Rachel started to panic.

"No, no w-we didn't" She was looking everywhere. She practically couldn't hear the cheerleader anymore. She got up and ran away. People looked at her while saying things about her like the fact that she was a s***. She got out of the school and saw Garfield with Victor next to Steve and Rita's car. They saw her and told her to come but she just ran away somewhere else in Jump City. Garfield looked at Victor with fear in his emerald eyes. Vic nodded and Gar ran after Rachel.

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