Chapter 15: Jealousy Is A Bad Default

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A/N: This chapter happens the same day then the one before

—Jason's Appartement—

Tuesday September 18, 2018
Jason woke up at 9 AM, he was extremely late for school but he didn't care anyway, not like he wanted to go there. He got up and walked to his kitchen. He opened the fridge, took out a bottle of milk and started to drink it from the bottle. He then placed a bowl on the counter and took a box of froot loops. He put them in the bowl, poured the milk in it and sat at the counter to eat his cereals.

After his breakfast, Jason took a shower and got changed before leaving his apartment. He walked in the streets of Jumps City until he finally saw one his dealer friends, Charles, or like everyone called him, Chas. "Hey Jay, what ya doin'?" The boy with green eyes shrugged his shoulders and walked away with Chas. "Okay, what's wrong bro"

The black haired boy sighed in defeat. "Remember that girl I told you about?"

The 19 year old nodded at Jason. "Yeah hum... Raquelle, was it?" Jason growled, he was upset about him not knowing the girl's name.

"RACHEL, Charles, R-A-C-H-E-L... Rachel"

Charles shook his head, mocking his friend's reaction. "Rachel Roth, right? She is the daughter of our boss... anyway, what about her?" Jason stopped walking and so did his friend. Todd looked at him straight in the eyes.

He then looked away and sighed again before rumbling. "I helped her for years, I've tried everything, but then when a new guy arrives at J.C.H, she have to run into his arms and have sex with him" The brown eyes of Chas widened.


Monday September 17, 2018
Jason was selling drugs to one of his customers, Kora Anders, when he saw Rachel and Garfield run in the hallway so he grabbed Rach's wrist to stop her. Kora was now walking to her own locker. "Hey, you ready to skip class" She looked at him weirdly before gasping when she remembered that they always made their drug deals on Mondays.

"Oh yeah of course... I don't have the money on me, I stayed at Garfield's this weekend"

"Okay we'll deal with this at lunch time and- woah woah woah... you stayed at Gar's house this weekend... did you slept there?" She pressed her pale lips together as she nodded. "Okay we'll talk about that later" She nodded again and went to her locker. Jason was completely shocked, did she had sex with the new guy or not? He really didn't know what to think so he decided to let it go and think about it later. The black haired teen opened his locker, took his things, closed and locked the locker and walked to his class.

--End Of The Flashback--

Some minutes later, the two boys were in their hideout. It wasn't an old appartement like Rachel's one, but a room inside of a bar. They were the only one going inside that room or at least practically the only ones. When they entered it, a girl with turquoise hair and silver eyes was sitting on a red couch. The young teenager was wearing black ripped jeans, a black t-shirt with "Don't Mess With Me" wrote in white capital letters, a black and red leather jacket and red high heel boots. Her hair was long and in a braid to the side. She also had a tattoo on her neck, it was the letter 'L' with a spider on it and rose petals around it, it was entirely black. "Hey Jason, hey Chas" The 15 years old grinned at the boys.

"Hi Lesly" Jason said to his friend. The girl was Lesly Granger, she was a dealer working for the Roths too, just like Charles. The boys sat on the couches with their friend. Leslie was smoking a cigarette.

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