Chapter 5: Secrets

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Wednesday September 12, 2018
Rachel's phone had been ringing all night. Her father had been calling her for hours, but she never answered any of his calls. Even if he had stopped calling for at least an hour, Rachel still couldn't sleep.

After her talk with Dick. Rachel couldn't stop thinking about that thing that happened a year ago. It had been a while since it happened, but it still haunted her. She saw it again and again in her head. She tried to stop thinking about this, but she couldn't. It haunted her, he haunted her. She was scared of him and what he had done to her. Dick had saved her and she is grateful for it.

Rachel got up, leaving the idea of falling asleep. She walked to the kitchen and prepared herself some tea.

As she drank her herbal tea, she heard a male's voice ask "Couldn't sleep?" so she turned around to see none other than Richard Grayson.

"No" She replied looking at her mug. Richard looked at his friend with concern in his ocean blue eyes and Rachel saw that so she placed her mug on the counter and told him why she couldn't sleep. "I-I keep on thinking about what happened a year ago and I am so scared" She looked at the ground with tears forming in her blue eyes. Dick walked to her and hugged her. Rachel hugged him back.

"You shouldn't think about that Rach" He said as he patted her back.

The purple haired girl started sobbing. "But I can't, just knowing he is still around us makes me afraid" They pulled away.

"Nothing bad is gonna happen Rach, now the only thing you should be concern about is your health so go back to sleep if you don't wanna get yourself sick" He smiled at her and she walked back to her room.

Rachel laid on her bed and finally fell asleep.

—The Next Day—

Thursday September 13, 2018
Garfield Logan was in Vic's car with Wally, Karen and Garth. He was really curious and wanted to know what Dick was talking about.


"C-can I ask you a question?"

Dick nodded and asked "Yes sure, what is it?"

"Why did you say that Adonis had hurt Rachel before in the video?"

"That's to Rachel to tell you... it's personal" Garfield nodded his head as he said "okay".

—End of the Flashback—

What was she hiding, what happened and mostly what did Adam did to her? This was the questions that popped the most in the young teenager's head.

7 minutes later, they arrived at school and like the day before, they all looked at the trio getting out of the porsche again. People started to realize that it wasn't just a one day thing or something.

—In Class—

Garfield was sitting alone in the back. He wasn't paying attention to the teacher that day and he was drawing in his notebook. Someone threw a paper ball at him so he quickly looked in the direction it came from only to see Richard Grayson who was looking at him and gesturing his head to the paper. So Gar opened the paper ball only to read Listen to the teacher he made a blank face and glared at the boy only to see him looking at the person sitting next to him, Rachel Roth.

Dick wouldn't have thrown a paper at him, but Rachel in the other hand, would have and she did it. She looked at the blond boy and gave him a small smile before returning her attention to the teacher.

The boy with emerald eyes grinned at her and also looked at her with curiosity and an other thing he couldn't identify.

—At Lunch Time—

Garfield got his food and was heading to Victor's table until he remembered he was supposed to sit with the trio.

So he walked to their table. Everybody's eyes were on him. Garfield gulped before coughing to get Richard's attention.

"Oh hey Gar, you can take a sit" Dick told him. Garfield did as Dick said and sat down between him and Rachel.

"Hi Garfield" Jason said sternly, making Garfield gulp again.

"Hey" Rachel said in her monotone.

"So" Garfield started. "Eh did you have something to tell me... or something?"

Dick giggled and said "Not really, we just wanted you to sit with us and get you away from Adam"

Garfield made a weird face to Richard and asked him "Why me? There's a lot of other students"

"You see" Rachel started. "You're not like those other students, you don't seem scared of us or at least not like them... and you're new here, you didn't have the time to hear all these rumors running around, it's kind of a chance for you to stay away from the real monster here" Shr finished pointing at Adam McKenzie.

Garfield nodded and they all started to talk with each other. While Dick was occupied arguing with Jason, Garfield decided to talk to Rachel. "Are they always doing that?"

"Most of the time, they have different opinions" The girl answered.

"I-I like your purple hair" He complimented her hesitantly. 'Don't kill me I'm to young to die' he thought.

"Uh t-thank you" She replied still shocked by his sentence. She put a strand of hair behind her ear and looked away so he wouldn't see her blush. Garfield smiled at her and thought 'She's cute when she's shy- WOAH WHY AM I THINKING THAT?'

After school—

Garfield was leaving school and started to head home before being stop by Richard Grayson himself.

"Hey do you want to come with us?" The black haired boy asked.

Garfield shook his head "No I have to d-" He stopped brutally when he saw Rachel next to the porsche looking at him and Dick. He didn't know why, but it made him change idea. "You know what, why not" He said with a smile plastered on his face.

"Cool, c'mon" Garfield followed him and sat in the back of the car with Rachel.

—At The Wayne Manor—

They walked inside and were greeted by Alfred. Garfield followed the trio in the basement and when he got there, his green eyes widened in excitement and dazzlement. "Woah" Was all he could get out of his mouth.

"Cool uh" Rachel said.

They played some games and watched Deadpool 2. After that, Dick and Jason decided to play at Injustice 2 to fight against each other. Garfield and Rachel were watching them from the bar.

"Huh Rachel?" Garfield asked.


"I don't want to be indiscreet but... why did Dick said that Adam hurt you in the video?"

Rachel looked at him with wide eyes and said "It's none of your business" and she walked away.

After an hour, Garfield's adoptive parents called him and asked him to come back home. So Dick drove him to his house and Garfield entered it. He walked into the living room and what he saw made his greenish eyes widened. 'What is he doing here?'

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