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" Hey..." I felt HeDi's lips grazing my cheek before he settled himself beside me as I sat quietly in this coffee shop sipping my latte. I was waiting for him to pick me up after taking his parents to the airport for their annual vacation, as if fate is conspiring with me...

This is the day... I had everything planned out for us.... This would be my parting gift not only for him but for myself as well... Yes... Parting... Because I've decided to let HeDi go...


"I have to do this Jia... This is the right thing to do..." I said tears staining my cheeks... I had been crying my heart out since HeDi walked out the door a few hours ago after he dropped me off from university. He is currently at Xize's finishing up their thesis.

I decided to invite JiaQi for a sleep over... I badly need someone right now... To just be there... And listen to me...

"I love him so much Jia... I would rather bear the pain of losing him now than see him being miserable in the future for letting this great opportunity pass..." A new batch of tears is starting to well on my eyes again... I really feel miserable... The thought of leaving the love of my life is tearing me up inside.

"But he loves you so much Yue... His world revolves around you... Can't you see?" He said trying to knock some sense into my head.

"I'm aware of that Jia...but Didi is really stubborn... It would be really difficult to persuade him to go to Beijing to follow his dreams... Especially now that he already made up his mind to spend the rest of his life with me." I said tears keep welling in my eyes flooding my cheeks "Don't get me wrong ... I want to spend the rest of my life with him too... I love him so much... That making this decision behind his back is hurting me too... But I have to do this for his sake... I can't let him lose himself by loving me... I can't keep him here beside me while losing his dreams in the process... I love him too much to do that to him..." I cried as JiaQi comforted me in an embrace...

"If that's really your decision... Then I will support you Yue... Whatever the outcome maybe... Remember that I'm just here... Okay?..."

I cried on JiaQi's shoulder... I cried all my sadness...I cried for the pain and regret this decision will bring... I cried for the love I am about to lose.


"Hey babe... are you alright? you're so quiet..." He said as he snaked his arms around my waist. I leaned my body closer to him... Feeling his warmth... I'm going to miss this... His warmth...

"Yeah... I'm okay..." I could feel him hugging me closer.

"Let's go... It's getting late..."he said giving me a small peck in the head before picking up my things and guiding me out of the cafe.


I am getting more nervous as time pass by. And HeDi's silence as he drove us home is not helping at all.

"Di..." I called him to get his attention

"Hmmm" he repsonded his eyes not leaving the road.

"You're parents aren't home right?.... Ahm.... Xiaowen Jie is not home either.... So... I was thinking...."

Say it Yue... Grab this chance... You'll never have a chance like this again... All you'll ever have are memories of this day... So go for it...

"Can I sleep over tonight?" I tentatively asked and was surprised to hear him chuckle.

"My Yueyue is shy..." He teased. "You're always welcome to sleep over baobei." He said glancing at me for a while as he kept on driving.


HeDi's house was deserted when we arrived... But his mom was thoughtful enough to cook us dinner before leaving. A post it note was stuck on the fridge instrucing us to heat the food on the microwave before eating...

"Auntie is really thoughtful... You're so lucky Didi.." I said voicing out my thoughts.

"She's your mom too you know... She adores you so much... She keeps on reminding me to take care of you every damn day..." He said grinning like a little boy... I will miss them... Didi's family... They always treated me as if I were their own... I wish they could find it in their heart to forgive me after this.

"Babe... Go take a shower... I'll just heat this up." HeDi shooed me out of the kitchen towards the stairs to his room. "Feel free to use my clothes babe... I know you didn't bring a spare." I heard him say as I was starting to climb up.


As I entered HeDi's room, I was not surprised by the mess that welcomed me... His bed was unmade... Used clothes are scattered everywhere... books, CD's and his gadgets are messily scattered all over the place... That I decided to clean up first making it decent enough to accomodate us before I decided to take a shower.

I was already wearing one of his boxers and white shirt while drying my hair with his towel when he entered his room to call me for dinner.

And I was not ready for his reaction.



What's taking her so long? It has been a while since Yue went up to take a shower. The food is starting to get cold again so I decided to check up on her.

My bedroom wasn't locked so I immediately opened the door and was surprised how clean my room has become... Then my senses were assaulted by the fresh scent of my shower gel combined with that distinct sweet scent of my girlfriend

"Babe...dinner's re--...Whoa!" I was shocked by the apparition in front of me... Yue wearing my boxers and one of my white tees exposing her creamy legs and her naked breast which are barely covered by the thin material of my shirt. She was drying her hair while sitting on my bed...

"Oh Di... I cleaned your room... It was a mess a while ago... Your dirty clothes are everywhere... Please put your used clothes in the hamper next time will you? How many times do I have to remind you about it?" She nagged, cutely pouting while doing so... Why is her lips so inviting? I want to kiss that pout away.

"Have you heated the food alr---" I did not gave her the chance to finish her question as I crossed the space between us and swooped down to capture her inviting lips... I love the taste of my toothpaste on her mouth...peppermint and Yue...what A lethal combination...

"Di... is dinner ready?"she asked breathless hy our kisses

"Are you?" I asked teasing her...

"What do you mean?" She asked confused by my question

"As my dinner... Are you ready for me?"


Author's Note:

Another chapter... Enjoy!

_ joan

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