Questions and Answers

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It's already 8:10 in the morning... Yue is running late... our first class is about to start in twenty minutes so she better arrive now or else we'll get a scolding from our Humanities professor.

" Hey Love!" I was surprised when someone snaked an arm around my waist and I felt a wet smooch on my cheek. I smiled when the familiar scent of my boyfriend assaulted me.

I returned his kiss with a a tiny peck on his cheek as well... "Hi..."

"Why are you still here... Aren't you supposed to be in your class?" He asked as he held my hand.

"I was waiting for Yue... She messaged me a while ago... She asked me to wait for her here and that they're already on their way." I replied giving his hand a slight squeeze earning me a smirk from this gorgeous man.

We were suddenly distracted when we heard someone bickering nearby...

"You are so annoying you moron!" said SunQian who was being followed by a grinning Kankan
"How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me Monkey... Can't you see... I am too gorgeous to be one... Tsk... You better pay your doctor a visit... because your sick in the head you idiot. I really wish you trip on that long legs of yours." she furiously said to Kankan who was still snickering behind her and was being followed by Kuan and Xizi.

By some sort of magic... Kankan magically tripped and almost fell to the ground if not for Xizi's quick reflex, who held him by the collar to prevent him from doing so... much to SunQian's dismay.

"Hey love birds...What are you doing here?" SunQian asked as she spotted  me and my boyfriend.

"We're waiting for Yue and..." I was suddenly interrupted by someone calling my name... as I turned... I saw a smiling Yue who who was followed by a grinning HeDi.

"Hey guys!" She greeted "Come on... we're late!" as she held my free hand stirring me and SunQian towards our first class

"Hey Yueyue!" HeDi yelled getting Yue's attention making her turn to face him.

"What?!?" She asked impatiently

HeDi leisurely walked closer to our position as he leaned his face closer to Yue's...
"Are you forgetting something babe?" He said with a smirk.

What?! Did I hear it right? Did HeDi just called Yue "Babe"?  SunQian and I exchanged curious looks.

"You're so annoying..." She said  but  gave him a chaste kiss on the lips anyway... making her blush as she stirred us away again towards our class.. leaving HeDi with a satisfied smile on his face...

"You better spill Yue or JiaQi and I are suing" SunQian said as we matched Yue's fast pace towards our classroom... Yue's face is turning a bright shade of red already and SunQian and I wasn't even starting yet...


"So you're together now?" Xize asked as he put an arm on my shoulder.

"Yeah..." I replied, following Yue with my gaze as she entered her class with JiaQi and SunQian.... a wide grin plastered on my face.

"So... how are you feeling?" Xizi inquired giving me a mischievous grin.

"Amazing..." I answered as if in a daze...

"So you're into one liners now Di?"asked Kuan who was standing beside Xizi.

"So how was it?" Kankan interjected squeezing himself in between Kuan and Xizi

"How was what?" I asked... distracted by my friend's question.

"Yue is one hot babe Di...Don't tell me you never scored... this is so not you dude..." Kankan exclaimed shaking his head in disbelief.

"Shut it Kankan... you never talk about Yue like that around me... She's different... Never compare her to girls I've dated before." I retorted... annoyance evident on my expression...

"Chill man... I'm sorry... Okay" Kankan said apologetically with hands thrown up in the air...

"Wang-F*cking-HeDi is inlove man... Let's celebrate later!My treat!!!" Xize announced breaking the tension in the air... Earning cheers from all of us... As we walked towards our first class.


We are at the cafeteria killing time before our next class. I can already sense my friends excitement as if they have been waiting for this time to arrive since early this morning.

"So what happened?" JiaQi whispered... distracting me... as I munch on my noodles.

"What do you mean?"I whispered back...

"You and HeDi... you're together now right?"she asked

"Uhmmm" feigning disinterest... though I'm secretly sweating all over knowing that my friends are oh so ready to interrogate me about my relationship with HeDi

"Have you.... I mean... Uhhhh" JiaqQi awkwardly inquired trying to find the right words to ask... But of course trust SunQian for always being straight forward...

"Oh gosh Jia...what's the matter... Can't you just ask Yue if she already did it with Wang HeDi..." SunQian blurted out loudly turning everyone's attention to me with curious expressions on their faces.

With HeDi's popularity... expect that we would be on the university's hot topic in no time.... Oh my god...can I kill SunQian now before I ask for the Earth to swallow me whole? My face is turning into a tomato from extreme embarassment.

"Hey! watch your mouth!... you're making Yue blush" JiaQi reprimanded SunQian who was just nonchalant about it...

"I was just asking...So Yue... Have you???... Already???" She chirped flashing me a teasing smile...

"Of course not! we just sort of... Uhmmm...."this is so embarassing...why are my friends torturing me this way?

"Sort of...what?" JiaQi murmured inching closer to me...

"Sort of.... Ugh...why are you girls so nosy? Nothing happened okay... HeDi and I just decided to take our relationship further since we... Ugh... Stop asking me embarassing questions will you!" I exclaimed as I focused my attention to my already cold noodles.

"Such a kill joy!"said Sunqian smiling from ear to ear as she sipped on her latte.

"Oh alright... We'll just ask you next time..."JiaQi said when suddenly her phone beeped "Oh Xize's asking us if we would like to join them at his place... the guys are there."

"Is Kankan there?If that stupid idiot is there...I'm not going."SunQian said refusing to go.

"We'll be celebrating Yue and HeDi's official relationship... just join us will you... you stubborn girl." JiaQi coaxed SunQian who is pouting cutely.

"Okay..I'll go... But promise to not restrain me if I feel like smacking him when he gets into my nerves..." She said... As we chuckled along with her... I sooo love these girls...

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