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Izuku had to fight hard in the exams as his father had made him a Power Restricter to stop him going overboard and to stop anyone finding out how powerful he really was. He managed to place 7th out of all the students and was completely worn out afterwards.

They were put into lessons and went straight to work on understanding their quirks and showing each other their quirks so they all understand each other making teamwork easier.

Izuku half explained his, "My quirk is ignition, I can ignite a fire and keep it lit under any circumstances. I can form shapes with my fire and use it to increase the strength and speed of my movements."

Izuku was good at acting as he decided to go with the most unpredictable villain in the word, the nervous nerd in the back of the class, he was okay with it but he still didn't like being under everyone, especially Bakugo.

After a week Uraraka tried to get everyone to go to the mall with her, the only one in class who said no was Izuku. Bakugo went with Kirishima and Todoroki needed a few things Izuku didn't care so he stayed home.

People in class rushed over to him trying to force him to go but then he was saved by the bell, almost, it was his father, and he was surrounded by people who could hear his conversation.

He answers the phone as they all grow quiet, "Father?"

They all step back giving him room seeing as it's family.

"Izuku, Your late, you need to get the job done."

"I'm sorry Father, I'll be right there."

"You better be. Or I won't be happy."

"No, no I won't be late."


The call ends, Izuku looks up apologetically as they all understand and wave him goodbye as he leaves, he gets home and quickly throws on his gear. He had his own personal heatproof suit, all black with dragon scales to pride his father, as a villain he was known as the dragon's son. He was okay with being known by his father's name, the press caught on that The dragon had a son and he fit the bill, villain, young, fire, dragon scales.

He walked out the house taking off the collar and slipping it in his pocket, he smiles as he heads out to 'work' with his dragon scale-like hoodie and trousers. He walks around the back of the house and travels casually along the alleyways.

He stops next to a familiar building, a jail, it contained a few of his father's men. He looked up at the high wall looking for any lookouts, he confirms he's alone and starts melting the wall with his fire, slowly but with stealth.

He finishes making a big enough hole as the man crawls through and jumps out, Izuku nods at him as he silently nods back, he throws him an outfit from his bag as the ex-prisoner changes Izuku heads to the next cell, he gets all the men listed out but as he gets the last he hears someone whisper to him, he sticks his head through the hole and looks over to the next cell.

"Psssst! Dragon's son or whatever, wanna lemme out?"


"I'm a fellow villain! C'mon! The names, Toga. Nice to meetcha!"


"If you leave me the League of Villains will have negative associations with you and your father."

Izuku sighs clearly annoyed as he melts a small hole for the girl as she happily hops out, Izuku hands her a spare uniform as she changes whilst the men look away. She smiles and laughs happily.

"That prison jumpsuit was itchy!... Are you ever going to say anything to me?"

Izuku side glances her from beneath his hood, he looks at one of the men and tilts his head towards the girl.

One of the men step towards the girl and speaks with a bland tone, "The Dragon's Son doesn't talk."

Toga, "I get it! I'd know your voice~"

Izuku idly nods as he walks then Toga rubs her nose and shouts out in frustration, "All this smoke is giving me an itchy nose!"

Izuku hears a shout from above as a prison guard runs along the wall in response to the shouting and alerts the other guards, Izuku hand signals his men to move on as Toga just stays to watch the 'Dragon's son.'

Izuku looked at the man then lit him on fire, he looked down away from the burning body whilst he screamed in pain then fell off the wall and in front of Izuku, he burnt the view into his memory and stashed away his guilt. He needed a bigger distraction. He didn't mind the noise now, he walked over to the wall and incinerated half the wall letting around 50 prisoners escape but with a loud roar and smoke filling the air.

He creates a bigger fire letting his powers run ranpid on the grounds to stop anyone chasing him.

Izuku took off in the crowd then headed back to his base, Toga smiled happily in the new dragon scale jumper. Izuku walked calmly as he got back inside he got changed, reported to his father and watched the news to see what they've reported.

Izuku wolf whistles at the footage of him sending flame from both his hands, that reminded him, he took out his collar and clipped it on. One jump scare and he incinerates the building. He looks at the recording and watches.

"The Dragon's Son has struck again freeing his Father's men and, to aid his escape, freeing other prisoners with them. As you can see in this horrific footage, he sets an innocent guard alight without even looking at him, he feels no guilt yet looks to be around 14-16, luckily the man survived the attack and is able to speak now."

"He was just a boy, he...he looked around 14, but his eyes...his eyes were angry...he really is his father's son, he was terrifying yet young. I kind of feel sorry for the boy, to...you know. To be so young and be doing this, his father must really be pushing the boy or using phycol-"

Izuku switches off and goes to bed, he sleeps like a baby with no regret or worry.

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