Chapter 1 - The bad news

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July (Australian Winter)

The Click crew listened in despair to the Electrician.
'Sorry lads, I can't get your power back up and running. I am going to need to rework your network which could take 2-3 days.'
Bazza moaned. 'when can you start?'.
The electrician looked through his small, red diary. 'I can come in two days.'
'ok, thanks for trying anyway' said Elliot as the Electrician walked away to his van.

The Click Crew piled inside the cold house, dismal as ever. You see, two days before, the heating system in the house broke down. The electricity went down later the same day.
'oh my God could things get worse!?' Muselk cried in despair. 'no power, no Wi-Fi and no heating! In winter!'

A while later Cray pulled out his phone.
"careful with that" Bazza said.
"Why?" Questioned Cray.
"Because we can't charge it up remember?".
"Oh yeah. Oh wait, oh nooo". Cray murmered.
"What's up Cray?" Asked Kath.
"Oh God look at this".

The four crowded around Cray's phone and read the news statement.

"Worst Blizzard in History to hit Australia. Coldest temperatures since records began are expected."

"Oh Fuck off!" Elliot moaned. Everyone agreed.
"Shouldn't we start getting ready while its still daylight?" Kath suggested, being the thoughtful one of the group.
"Good idea. Me and Cray will get some last minute food, you and Elliot find some things that use batteries like torches, DVD players etcetera" replied Bazza.

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