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"Get used to it!" I yell at myself as I sit down to take yet another break. Even with blood on my bare feet, I know that I'm a wimp for stopping.

The sky is full of stars, but my life is far from beautiful. Living out here has become normal to me, if there even is such a thing as normal. Still, my life has never been anywhere near how I had wished when I was little. Before all this ever happened.

I stand back up, adjusting to the pain as weight is placed on my feet. My shoes wore out a few days ago and there isn't anything I can do about it. So, I continue on my way, to where I don't even know, but maybe if I walk far enough, I'll find something.

I wake the next morning, to the unpleasant sound of an older man yelling at me to get off his property. Although it's the only human contact I usually get, I hate it.

"Move it!" he yells again, "You're too dirty! You should go die!"

I wince, but only because his words are too familiar to me. I hate the familiar; I need change in order to feel as if I'm moving forward in life. Maybe if I'd ever had a happy familiar, I would feel differently.

I stand up and groan through the ache, making my way back onto the gravel road. Once I pass the property line, I walk into the ditch on the grass, which helps to ease the pain.

I walk until I notice the sky fading darker again, then keep walking to find a place to rest. Finally off the gravel roads, I am now in a town. Whatever town I'm in seems very family friendly and soon I spot a playground a street over from where I am and make my way over to it. I climb up a ladder on the playground and slide myself into the tunnel. I sigh as I lie down on the hard plastic and try to fall asleep.


The plastic is already warm when I wake up the next morning and I inch out of the tunnel to find a little boy looking up at me. He looks about 3 year old, the age my brother was.

"You're too old!" the little boy yells.

"I know. I'm leaving now," I reply, standing up.

"Luca! Be nice!" the boy's mother calls from the bench where she's watching her son.

I walk off the playground, trying to conceal the pain on my face as I feel my feet start to burn on the warm structure.

"Sorry about that," the mom says to me as I pass by her.

"It's alright," I reply. I feel as if I know her from somewhere, but for some reason I can't place it.

"If you don't mind me asking, why were you sleeping in the tunnel?" she inquires.

I think quickly. "My friends dared me to."

"I don't think so," she stops me from walking away.

"Fine," I admit, "I'm homeless and I just stopped here on the way."

"On the way to where?"

"I don't know," I respond.

"You seem like a nice girl," she says, "Would you like to come home with Luca and I?"

"I'm really not sure," I start, trying to get out of it.

"Please? I could just get you some clothes and you could have a while to rest," she persuades.

"I guess," I reply.

I sit down on the bench beside the mother. She seems nice enough, I guess.

"What's your name?" she asks.

"Leah," I reply, "And yours?"



Since I finished Lost Without You and was starting this story, I decided to connect them. The main character in this story is not Demi although she will play a large part in it. If you like this story please vote and comment. Thanks!

I'm Only Human (Jemi Fanfiction) (Continuation of Lost Without You)Where stories live. Discover now