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Nervous. A feeling of anticipation and hope. It didn't even come close in the least to how Seungmin was really feeling.

His friend had driven him to the venue the fan meet was held at and the whole time he was slightly jumping in his seat, checking outside the window every five minutes if they had finally arrived. He didn't dare to ask how much longer it was going to take, because that would make waiting even more unsettling. He just wanted to arrive and get it over with.

It still seemed unreal that he was going to meet his idols and talk to them in a little while and a few days ago he almost had a mental breakdown, imagining all the ways he could embarrass himself in front of Day6.

Sure he wasn't the only awkward fanboy of those amazing five men, but the difference to others was that he was going to be all alone, no one there to tell him when he should calm down.
Woojin couldn't accompany him because he had to take his final exams tomorrow and after dropping him off, he would drive straight back to their hometown. His boyfriend Chan would pick up Seungmin tommorow at the hotel the younger had booked a room in.

It would be the first time the younger was staying all alone somewhere away from home and although his hyungs worried, it would all be good. What should go wrong for the passionate young man?
Apparently a lot could go wrong. Seungmin had forgotten his second album for the boys to sign. They had been listening to it in the car and he didn't pack the CD. So now he was faced with a rather difficult choice.

Let them sign it for himself and never getting the chance to express his gratefulness to his hyung or letting them sign it for someone they didn't even meet and appearing like someone not being their genuine fan and only caring for their fame.

He still hasn't decided what to do when he was asked to step up towards the stage. He stumbled over his feet, almost dropping the little bag holding the presents for the five men. They were little drawings one for each members.

It took hours upon hours of drawing and erasing again until Seungmin was not really satisfied with his work but he deemed his work to not be a complete embarrassment.

The first in row was Wonpil, who was chatting with YoungK next to him when Seungmin approached the table. When the singer turned towards him with a smile on his handsome face Seungmin finally realised that all the stress and sleepless nights weeks beforehand were really worth it in exactly this moment.
He smiled slightly at the idol and before even saying anything he took out his drawing and offered it to Wonpil with a bow. A pleased and adoring emotion washed over Wonpils face as he took the drawing and asked Seungmin to introduce himself, after thanking him for the present.

Seungmin stuttered slightly but eventually he got out a few words, just stating his name, age and that he had been a fan since a very long time.

Wonpil looked at him the whole time, his attention never swaying to a different thing than the words coming out of Seungmins mouth. The honest and open expression on the olders face embarrassed Seungmin and he tried to hide his face in his hands, but before he could cover his blushing cheeks, Wonpil grabbed his pinkies and dragged the youngers hand towards him.

He dropped a little daisy into his open hands and smiled at Seungmin, when suddenly Wonpils face morphed into confusion and amusement later on.

Seungmin looked down at his hands, shy suddenly. The little daisy was made of plastic and had originally belonged to a flower crown Jae had been gifted at the start of the event, but somehow it broke so Wonpil had taken the flowers. And now he had given one to Seungmin. He felt really honoured. A voice woke him from his intense staring down at the flowers.

"Hey Seungmin-ah could you look up for a minute please? I want to prove something."

Confusion etched onto his face, the younger looked up at his idol and it only made more questions arise in Seungmins head when Wonpil smiled in victory and turned towards YoungK, his seating neighbour. The other man turned towards the two and with a small smile he chuckled slightly while patting Wonpil on the shoulder.

"You're right Pillie. You two really look alike."

A proud smile shone on Wonpils face while Seungmin was shy again. Wonpils warm laugh made him look up and after reassuring that it was meant as a compliment for the younger, the older asked him to hand over his album so Wonpil could sign it. Seungmin took it out of his bag and handed it over.

When he was asked what exactly Wonpil should write, he told the older to sign it with his favourite nickname for himself and nothing more. But Wonpil being his adorable self added a few hearts and a not that good drawing of a flower next to his autograph.

'Pillie' surrounded by hearts. It looked really nice. Seungmin thanked him and after Wonpil asked him to please continue supporting their music, they exchanged smiles and Seungmin moved on to the next in line.

YoungK aka Kang Younghyun. The man who influenced Seungmins life the most after his father and Woojin. Hopefully he wouldn't make a fool out of himself in front of his role model.

I'm ending it here, because if I keep on writing it'll probably turn out too long and boring. Also I know the whole concept of this fan meet is kinda messed up, but I hope you still enjoyed it a bit.
Love F.🖤

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