Chapter 8

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The night that I spent at the Kings was awful. Not because of Emily or Gerald, they were a delight as always. Jasper though, was annoying the shit out of me. Every little thing he did bothered the heck out of me, like when he breathed.

When morning came around, I was just itching to go home. I still haven't heard from my mom yet, but that's probably because she was either jet lagged and was exhausted or she just ignored the messages on her phone. Normally when my mom is gone, I rarely ever hear from her. Maybe like, once a week and that's it.

"Are you sure you don't want to stay a little longer?" Emily asked as she helped me to the front door. It was still early, and we were the only two up. The house was peaceful at the time. Quiet, but full. Unlike my house that was still quiet but empty.

"I'm sure," I say as I keep my focus on my feet. One wrong move and I'm screwed. "Besides, I got to get used to this on my own, right?"

"Well, when Jasper gets up I'm going to have him run to the store to pick you up some things for you," Emily says as she places a hand on my cheek. "If you need me I'm only a call away."

"I'll keep that in mind," I smile as I open the door. The warm air hit my face and I couldn't help but smile. It was a nice change from all the rainy weather.

Walking down the porch steps was tricky, but there were only two steps so if I fell it wouldn't be so bad. When it's time to walk down the stairs at my house, well, I better invest in a stair lift.

Emily kept her eyes on me as I walked just in case I fell. My house only had one step so it was easy to walk up. When I got to the front door, I waved to Emily before walking in.

I was greeted by the silence of an empty house. It wasn't like I was expecting my mom to suddenly be here with arms outstretched to me and to make everything better, but that would've been nice.

I walk into the kitchen and go to the fridge. Nothing was better than two day old lasagna, I guessed. After I place it in the microwave I pull out a bottle of pills I stuffed in the pocket of the hoodie I was wearing. Unfortunately, when I had gone to the hospital, they had to cut my leggings off of me and the shirt I had been wearing was covered in blood so it was deemed hazardous waste. Which was stupid because I liked that shirt and there is a thing called a washing machine. So now I was wearing a pair of Emily's pajamas pants and one of Jasper's old hoodies from middle school. Normally, I would refuse if I had to wear something of Jasper's, but the inside of the hoodie was fuzzy, and I was weak.

The microwave beeped, signaling that the food was ready. Now the next challenge was trying to carry it into the living room, which was a lot harder than I thought. I thought I had a good grip on it, but two steps later the plate slips out of my hand and crashes to the floor.

"No," I called out, but it was too late. The sound of ceramic breaking echoed throughout the house, and the lasagna sauce splattered all over the wall.

I let out a groan as I go get the broom, but as I was about to sweep it up, I realized something. I couldn't bend over. If I tried, I would end up falling flat on my face. This was something I couldn't do myself. Emily was right, I was going to need help, and Jasper was the one who was supposed to do it.

I walk around the mess and grab the bag of pretzels off the counter. This was something I could carry easily, and if I dropped it, it wouldn't break.

When I got into the living room, I plopped down on the couch and grabbed the house phone. There were three missed calls, and they were all spam. I don't know if I was hoping that Evan would call, but I knew it was never gonna happen. He was just being nice that day. Evan was probably only being nice to me because he saw what happened that night with my mom.

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