Chapter 14

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I had manage to get at least five blocks away before I had to stop. My body was screaming in protest as I got farther and farther from the diner. The tears that I had tried so desperately to keep in finally started to fall. I leaned my back against the wall and placed my head in my hands.

How could I have been so stupid? Evan was just using me to get what he wanted, and I was a fool not to see it. I was destined to never be happy.

I reached down to get my purse, but all I felt was air. At first I thought I dropped it on the street somewhere, but I quickly remembered I had left it in the booth. I was only going to the restroom, I wouldn't need my purse there.

Since I had no phone, no money, and not even the keys to my house, I only had two options. Either I could walk the two miles home and knock on the Kings door to get the spare key and get my purse in the morning, or I could go back to the diner.

A glob of milkshake slipped off my shirt and onto the concrete sidewalk below. I couldn't go back to the diner. Not like this. Using the back of my sleeve, I wiped my tears and started to walk back down the road. Hopefully I could find a payphone so I could call Emily and have her pick me up.

"HATTIE," someone yells behind me. I turned to see Evan running down the street with my purse on is shoulder and his stuffed bat in one hand. By the time he reached me, he was out of breath. "Why...did you....leave?"

I didn't say anything as he looked me up and down. His eyes landed on the big stain on my shirt, then they went up to my tear stained face. He straightened up when I didn't say anything.

"Hattie..." Evan says softly as he reached out to touch my face, but I flinched and took a step back. "Hattie? What's wrong? Talk to me."

"Why?" I ask. My voice cracked when I said that. "So you can lie to me again?"

"Lie to you?" Evan stated in confusion as he shook his head. "I have never lied to you. Well, maybe when I said that I wanted the pink bat instead of the brown one. Is this why your mad?"

"You were using me," I say. The tears started to come out harder. My whole body was shaking, so I grabbed the nearby wall for support.

"What are you talking about? I would never do that to you," Evan said gently as if trying to calm me down.

"Then tell me the reason why you broke up with Lizzie," I demand as I look him into his eyes.

Evan blinked in confusion. "Lizzie? What does she have to do with this?"

"Victoria told me," I yell through the tears. "She told me that you dumped her since she wouldn't put out and you're just using me to get what you wanted."

Evan stared at me quietly before started to laugh. I look at him in utter shock. Not even two seconds ago I found out his plan and now he's laughing at me?

"Hattie, our breakup was mutual. Remember when I said that me and her wanted different things?" He asked. I nodded my head as I recalled the night when Evan stood on my door step. "Well, Lizzie wanted the captain of the girls volleyball team."

"What?" I questioned as the tears stopped. Am I the asshole for blowing things out of proportion?

"Lizzie is into girls," he said with a smile. "Victoria was lying to you."

My jaw dropped when Evan told me that. Was Victoria lying? Wait, of course she would lie to me. How could I be so stupid? She thrived off my pain. It was like a drug to her. Since she saw that I was actually happy for once, she took it upon herself to nip it in the bud.

"I feel like such a jerk," I groan and I let my head hang low. "You must hate me now. I'd understand if you do."

Evan looked at me softly before reaching over to place his hand on the back of my head. "How could I hate you? I mean, your on thin ice because you made me leave behind a perfectly good burger."

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