Chapter 18

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"She said that?" Emily asked in disbelief when I told her about the conversation I had with my mother the other day. When I told Emily that my mom was more interested in some fling then she was in her daughter, she went silent. Jasper and Gerald were no where to be seen since they were in the backyard grilling up chicken.

"Yeah," I said softly as I looked down at my hands that I had folded together on the dining room table. "She didn't even let me get one word in, and then I just snapped."

"I would too," Emily said as she reached over and placed a hand onto of mine. "When she called me last night, she didn't mention anything about a guy. Just that you went off on her for no reason."

I sigh as I shake me head. "I don't know what's gotten into her. It's never been this bad before, and I don't know what's going on with her. She acted like she didn't even know who I was when someone asked who she was talking to. It's like she doesn't even care."

"Oh, Sweetie. I'm sure she cares," Emily said soothingly.

"It doesn't seem like it," my voice cracks as I say that. "With everything that's been going on lately, I just feel..."

Emily sighed as she squeezed my hand. "Everything will be okay. I'm sure of it."

"But-" I say but she cut me off. 

"Everything will be alright," Emily said sternly as she looked in my eyes.

I nodded and gave her a small but convincing smile. One thing I hated was making people worry about me.

"So," Emily said as a she bit the inside of her lip and smiled. "Who was that boy I saw in your driveway?"

"That's Evan," I tell her when she brings him up.

"He's that Bello boy, right?" Emily asked.

I look at her with a confused look on my face. "You know him?"

"Not really," she tells me. "He's just delivered here a few times. He seems like a nice boy."

"He is," I told her as a smile crept on my face. It was like every time I talked about Evan, it made me feel better.

"Well, I would like to officially meet him. It would be nice to have a conversation that didn't involve money that I owed him," Emily said with a light chuckle. "How's Jasper treating you? I know it must be hard on you being close to him because of the way he treated you all these years."

"It's okay," I shrug. "I make him clean all the time so I really don't see Jasper unless I need him."

Emily nodded slowly as she turned to look out the screen door on the opposite side of the house before she looked back at me. I looked at her in confusion, but it only took me a few seconds to realize she was making sure no one was listening in.

"When your mother comes back, you are welcomed to stay here as long as you want," Emily told me as he reached out and placed a comforting hand on my shoulder.

I smile as I hold my tears back. "Thanks."

The sound of the back door opening ruined the moment that Emily and I were sharing. I look up to see Jasper walking in with a plate of grilled chicken in front of him. As if he could sense us staring at us, he looked up.

"What's going on?" He asked as he sat the plate down on the table after he walked into the room. I was just glad that I held my tears back. I didn't want to give Jasper any ammunition to make fun off me.

"Nothing. Just girl talk," Emily said with a convincing smile. "Can you be a dear and put the green beans and potatoes into serving bowls?"

"Sure," Jasper said, but before he left, his eyes landed on me. I couldn't tell what he was thinking of when he looked at me. His lips were in a firm line. I couldn't even tell his expression by his eyes. Was he sad? Doubtful. People who don't have souls can't feel emotion.

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