Chapter 23

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Jasper POV

With a deep breath, I pushed the car door open and stepped outside. It was a bit warm today, and I was regretting leaving the house in jeans today. 

I quickly brushed that thought away as I looked up at the building in front of me. Considering it was the middle of the day and also a Saturday, the place in front of me was rather busy. I just hoped that I will be able to do what I had set out to do when I left the house not long ago. Because of me, I drove a wedge in between both Hattie and Evan because I was quick to judge. I even followed up with James about the note, and it was all true. He just reused the note when he walked past her locker. He thought he was a genius for it, saying that he was so smart. Well, he wasn't smart enough to dodge my fist when it cracked against his jaw. When I pushed opened the door, I stepped up to the waitress who was in the front of the house.

"Table for one?" she asked as she looked up at me with a bright smile as she reached over to grab a menu.

"Actually, I'm looking for Evan," I say as I look around the restaurant, but there was no sign of him. "Is he here?"

"Yeah, I think he just got back from a delivery," she said as she set the menu back down. "I'll go get him."

"Thanks. Can you tell him I'm out front?" I asked as I motioned to the door that led to the outside and the girl nodded before disappearing behind a set of doors that led through the kitchen.

When I stepped outside, I immediately regretted not staying inside where it was cool. But what did I care? I wasn't going to be here long. Hopefully this will mend everything between the two, because I for one know that Hattie isn't taking what happened well. She has been avoiding me like I had the plague, but I didn't blame her. I was a jerk.

The door suddenly opened, and Even stepped out. He was no longer wearing the usual uniform he wore when he made deliveries. Instead, he wore a pair of tan cargo shorts and a short sleeved light blue button up that was open to reveal a white shirt.

Evan looked completely shocked to see me standing there. "What are you doing here?"

"I just wanted to talk," I say to him, but by the frown in his face I could tell that he wasn't convinced. "Look, I'm sorry about everything. It wasn't my place to show Hattie that letter, and I sort of put it into her head that you were lying to her."

"No shit," Evan said as he crossed his arms over his chest. "You put your nose into where it didn't belong, and look at what happened? You drove me and Hattie apart. Well message received. You don't what anyone near her and you'll do anything to keep her alone."

I let out a sigh. "I shouldn't have done that, okay? I'm sorry."

Evans facial expression didn't shift as he stared at me. "Have you spoken to Hattie about this?"

I shook my head. "I haven't seen her since that day. No one has."

Worry flashed over Evan's face as he dropped his hands to his side. "Could something have happened? I mean, that house is basically a death trap for her right now."

Every worse possible scenario flashed through my head. Hattie could have fallen down the stairs for all he had known. She could be laying there unable to move or call out for help. She did slip down the stairs not long after she had first broken her leg, so the chance of her doing that again was extremely high. 

"Have you heard from her?" I asked.

Evan shook his head. "I've been ignoring all of her calls, but they stopped coming a few days ago."

"You ignored her calls?" I questioned loudly.

"Yeah, because I was pissed off and I didn't want to say something that I would regret," Evan said as he ran a hand through his hair. "Look, she's probably fine, alright? She's survived you for years. It will take a lot to take her down."

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