Delilah (lame-o) Fink.

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I don't really know where to start, but let me just say, Delilah is one of the most bold, funny, kind-hearted, and beyond all, they are the most gorgeous person, hands down, I have ever met.

Delilah was new to our school, I recall seeing them and just, my jaw fell to the floor I suppose, the way their hair was black and silky, and the way their eyes sparkled in the light, whilst parading their' gorgeous dark brown look. - Their appearance was perfect, and still is, but I found it rather hard to say even a word to them, and I didn't ever start up a conversation, I'm really bad at things like that.

The first time we ever talked was strictly by accident. You see, first quarter we had U.S. History and science together, that day we were in 5B Science, with Mr. Paukner, the girls I was assigned to sit by were not very nice (I mean, they weren't necessarily bad, but they weren't being kind as they usually are lmao), and I dealt with mean things they had been saying on a constant basis, Delilah overheard something's they'd been saying an offered a way out, they gave me a smirk as they argued with the girls, assumably proud of making them agitated. - or so I assume, seeing that they are them, and completely like that.

We had only 'kinda' talked before that, probably two days before that instance she had made a comment about me, it made me feel inferior, I never cared what others thought, until they tried to make a joke. - I forgave them of course, I've always been overly sensitive, it really wasn't a big deal.

After that our "friendship" started to blossom, I began to trust them more and more, and I like to think they did the same.

I found myself putting myself out there more, doing stupid things, enjoying the stupidity, even when it made me want to drive myself of a cliff, it gave me a rush.

Delilah and I also had Family and Consumer Sciences together, first period, with Mrs. Struz. Every once in a while they would come by me, we'd talk for a few minutes, and they'd be gone, they usually consisted of "where the rainbow was" - extra points to whoever knows what I mean by that-

However, one specific morning, in the middle of October, we were in the 'Foods Room' making cookies, that is the day Delilah discovered the crush I had, the crush that was on them. - The one I didn't even realize I had.

We were sitting at the table with Samantha, Breanna, and Olga at the time, Delilah brought up crushes and gave this look at me, I found myself turning red as well as glancing away.

"So, Ariah, who's YOUR crush?" They inquired, as if they thought I would be able to answer.

I choked and watched as they glanced at Breanna and Olga.

"Are they in this room?" They were getting cocky, I knew they were, I could hear it in their tone, see it in their eyes. I stared at the floor as if it was interesting.

"Bre, write this down, they're in FACS with us." Delilah spoke.

"I didn't confirm that." I shot back.

"Didn't deny it either." They winked, my heart began to pound.

The bell rang and I rushed out of class, closely followed by Delilah.

We later arrived in second hour, choir, with Mrs. James. We were learning guitar and my partner was gone, so was Delilah's, we paired up, Delilah smiled at me each time I messed up on a chord and I became rather bashfull. I never like doing things wrong, it makes me feel anxious.

As I was practicing the A7 chord Delilah regained that glint in their eyes, I knew something was up.

"Sooo, your crush, is in FACS, would it be too far fetched to say they could be in this room too?" They knew, how they fuck did they find out? - the more I think about it, it was quite obvious.

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