If I'm The Judge

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- Background: Okay, so like two days ago I was talking to Delilah, arguing about how pretty they are, I told them I'd write a list of things I loved about them, they responded by making a list of things they hate about theirself. After seeing this I had a thought about how judgemental I can be at times and how rude it is. Delilah isn't like that, yet they judged theirself as if they were. Thus here is my response, things I truly believe about myself that I should start thinking about every time I think something bad of someone else, because these things are true and my assumptions probably aren't. -

Anyways, here's a list of my flaws.


I'm overly sensitive.
• I have anger issues.
• I couldn't spell Pensylvania correctly if I tried.
• I have dyslexia.
• I'm awkward.
• I don't know the right way to shake someone's hand.
•If I start crying it takes forever to stop.
•I have scars on my arms, thighs, and waist that remind me of things I've done.
•My cheeks are too big.
• I hate my dimples, they look like gun shots through my face.
•My thighs are gigantic and covered in scars from cuts and putting tape around them.
•My hair looks like a mop made of pasta.
•My lips are chapped/ugly and there's a small white scar on my lower lip that you can see when I smile that i wish wasn't there.
•I have the biggest fear of rejection.
• I'm too afraid to say what I think.
• I don't know how to ask for help.
• I blush really easily.
• I was homeschooled in 2nd and 5th grade, I feel out of place in a lot of places.
• I panic over small things.
• My hands are huge and disgusting.
• I don't know how to smile like a normal person.
• My teeth are crooked.
• I look unhealthily pale.
• I have iron deficiency, I am always covered in bruises.
• I apologise too often and too quick, so people tend to think I'm being insincere.
• I can't stand up straight, my legs wobble.
• I burn myself.
• I'm a fake person.
• If I like someone I cling to them like moss on a rock.
• I give up too fast.
• I'm manipulative, especially to the people who are kindest to me.
• I can get jealous to a point where I hate myself more than anything I'm jealous of.
• I disassociate from myself.
• I demand too much.
• I don't know how to keep a conversation.
•Im overly obsessed with animals.
• I react too quickly.
• I'm anxious all the time.
• I'm annoying and stupid.
• The definition of a dumb blonde.
• I have a short fuse.
• I'm easily hurt.
• I'm bad at the whole "love" thing.
• Sometimes I ignore people for months at a time.
• My legs are absolutely disgusting.
• looking at myself in the mirror makes me want to vomit.
• I do things that I know are no good for me.
• I hurt people I love.
• I can't ever make choices.
• It's often hard for me to explain my feelings.
• I sound like a manly toddler who inhaled seven balloons worth of helium.
• My skin is disgusting.
• I wish I could pull my arms off and trade them for new ones, they're fat and gross.
• My eyes aren't even a real colour and my eyelashes are terrifying.
• I hate my nose, I feel like Squidward.
• I'm not smart.
• I didn't learn how to read until 6th grade.
• I'm doubtful of everything.
• I trust too easily, but sometimes I lack all trust, like trust doesn't exist.
• I crave attention like I need it to survive.
• One of my front teeth is chipped.
• Stretch marks... Everywhere.
• The scar on my cheek.
• My fingers look like sausages.
• My stomach is enourmous, I look like that pale thing that has major rolls from those tire commercials.
• I isolate myself.
• I taunt myself with things I know will never happen.
• Frankly, I'm a hypocrite.
• My forehead is too big.
• My body isn't proportional.
• I don't have a clue how to say 'no'.
• I have major mood swings.
I'm terrified of certain people who have claimed "they would never hurt me"
• I don't know how to accept when people like me.
• I don't know how to tell people I like them.
• I don't know how to show others that I love them.
• If I fell in love with you once, I won't ever stop falling.
• I'm overdramatic.
• I'm easily overwhelmed.
• I don't know how to make things better.
• I can't make people happy.
• I'm useless.
• I'm impolite.
• I'm a coward to my feelings and things I'm afraid of.
• I'm controlling.
• I'm dishonest.
• I fall for everything, I'm gullible.
• I always feel guilty.
• I tend to be antisocial.
• I'm compulsive.
• I can be evasive, to a point where people I love begin to hate me.
• I'm startled easily.
• I am often ignorant.
• I am hot-headed and impulsive.
• I don't know how to wait, I'm quite impatient.
• I'm insecure about every part of myself.
• I'm in constant need of reassurance from other people.
• I'm needy.
• I constantly feel paranoid.
• I don't know how to stop being pessimistic.
• I can get really possessive.
• I'm really pushy.
• I am reckless and resentful.
• I'm often Self-destructive.
• I am weak-willed and withdrawn.
My shoulders are huge and ugly

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2020 ⏰

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