Chapter 1

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It had been three weeks since that long day at the zoo, a day that Claire couldn't stop referring back to every time she and Brenda got together for Mason and Lizzie to have a play date. A lot had happened the week that Brenda and her husband spent in Hawaii, and it seemed like the last ten days weren't enough for neither Lizzie's mom nor Claire to let it go.

Claire was a clever woman and she didn't bring up Owen around Brenda, instead she let the blonde woman do that. Of course she had heard from Lizzie that the redhead and her ex-husband had spent a lot of quality time together while she was away. Claire had the perfect alibi, casually pointing out the reminder that Owen was standing in for her.

However, Claire now had her own opinion of the man and didn't miss the opportunity to let Brenda know he wasn't as bad as she pictured him to be. Of course always leaving out that she had been seeing him since the day they had met.

"He isn't that bad~" Claire rolled her eyes after hearing Brenda ditching Owen for something he had done god knows how long ago.

"How do you know? You only had to deal with him for a week, and for just a few hours a day, maybe!" The blonde woman pointed out. "I had to deal with him for four years. I really feel sorry for the woman who will end up with that basket case." She chuckled.

Claire frowned and shook her head, "Lizzie adores him and you can see he really tries his best. It would impress you how many things he picked up not only at the zoo but throughout the whole week."

Brenda shook her head, "he went from letting her have ice-cream for breakfast to actually make her some eggs. You told me that already."

"I would give anything to have Mason eat ice-cream with his dad. I wouldn't care if it's for breakfast or dinner." Claire admitted, "he wants to be there for her...why are you taking this away from him and her for that matter?"

"If he wants to have some time with Isabella, he has to earn it. I have never understood why you would immediately jump at the chance of letting Josh take Mason whenever he pleases; it doesn't work like that..."

"He fixed her a room at his place! She went from sleeping on the couch to having her own little room and bed." Claire pointed out. "And how is he going to prove himself to you if you won't let him?" She shook her head, "and about the second thing you said... it's because it makes Mason happy, Brenda. He would give anything to spend some time with his dad, and as much as I don't like Josh, I love my son more than anything in the world and his happiness comes first. You are letting your own grudges get in the way of your daughter."

"I don't know. I have to think about it." Brenda shrugged.

"You could start by letting him pick her up from school from time to time. You should see her face whenever he shows up." Claire smiled, making sure it came out as a genuine smile for Lizzie, rather than for Owen, although she had to admit, he was her main thought as she pronounced those words. Of course, she actually meant what she said as a way of letting Brenda know Owen and his daughter deserved to spend more time with each other, but she really couldn't help the butterflies in her stomach at the mere thought of him.

"I said I'll think about it." Brenda eyed the redhead. "If you are so pro-Owen maybe you should babysit him while he hangs out with Isabella." Brenda laughed.

Claire shook her head and looked down, "I already did that for a week." She pointed out.

"Maybe this upcoming weekend." Brenda picked on Claire's point. She trusted the redhead and knew her well enough to know that if she was suggesting this, it was because she truly believed Owen was capable of spending a weekend with Lizzie without killing her.

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