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A gasp broke my lips as I sat at my desk, staring at the computer screen with my therapist's appointment page open. I'd been ordered by Mr. Emery to set up an appointment before the end of the month. The buzz of the wirelessly controlled sex toy, Mr. Emery slipped inside of me when he called me into his office that morning continued to tantalize me, and make my breathing come in slow soft pants and my desire grow. I was instructed not to cum, and I fully intended not to—if I could help it. The jury was still out on that, he was skilled at varying the speeds in just the right way to make me hyper aware of the pounding pulse between my thighs.

A yellow envelope was dropped on my desk by one of the nameless faceless drones of the mailroom, making me jump.

"Signature?" They said holding out a little pad.

"I...I'm sorry?" I passed my fingers back through my long dark hair which was in loose curls this morning.

"You're Ms. Natalia Wilde, right? Personal Assistant to Mr. Emery?"

"Yeah, but..." I shook my head and signed the sheet. "Never mind. First time getting a package here is all."

"Oh, I thought you looked new."

"Not that new, I've been here for a few months now."

"Turn over up here is really low. We were all shocked to learn about Chloe last year." They handed me the package and I nodded. The illustrious Chloe haunted my thoughts now more than ever and I'd still never met her.

From what I could glean from those around me she was bat shit crazy, and obsessed with Mr. Emery. When he spurned her, she wrote a book about their time together and tried to get it published—which he told everyone was why he fired her, the real reason was she faked a pregnancy and essentially broke his heart.

For a while I stared at the package, the innocuous orange envelope had something bulky in it and lacked a return address which made me hesitant to open it.

"See you around!" The Mail person flashed me a smile that I returned before they walked away. Admittedly I forgot they were standing there before they offered their goodbye.

After checking Mr. Emery's calendar one last time, he was in his current meeting until lunch and I knew he'd need his third coffee of the day in about fifteen minutes or so. Curiosity got the best of me and I opened the package revealing a thick, typed manuscript with a note on top.

"To save you from making the same mistakes I did. – Chloe"

Again, there she was popping up like some ghost in a haunted house that refused to go away.

Where the hell is a priest to perform an exorcism when you need one?

Thumbing through the bound pages I sighed and checked the clock again. I needed to get Mr. Emery his coffee. The possibility of what could be hidden in those pages made me stuff the manuscript in my purse before leaving my desk.

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