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Not being Mr. Emery's sub made mornings strange. Once again I had the burden of choosing the clothes I wore, what I ate, what I drank and there was a certain degree of loneliness while showering that I'd never really registered before. So much of my life revolved around him that it was odd how it looked when pieces were broken off.

There were still things I continued to do such as my morning run, though it took twice as long as it did when Mr. Emery was there with me.

I got to be meet the mysterious Aria before Thanksgiving. She and Mr. Emery went to Colin's show together. Watching them interact while in private was bizarre. They hardly acknowledged each other's presence the entire drive to the gallery, but the moment the car door opened it was all stage kisses and fake intimacy. Did it hurt to see them kiss? Yes. Even though I knew they did all their talking outside of public events through their publicists it still seemed real enough that even I began to question just how fake it was.

During the Colin's show Mr. Emery and Aria schmoozed it up with the art dealer while I wondered through the maze of splatters. There was something about each painting that struck me as an out pouring of rage. Colin tended to stay away from aggressive colors such as reds and blacks except for where Mr. Emery was involved. If something had brother or Aidan in the title it tended to be some amalgamation of red, black, white and gray. All others he liked to stick to lighter happier colors, but still somehow seemed to be fueled by anger. I couldn't put my finger on why but that was how it all looked to me.

I paused in front of a canvas that took up an entire wall and peered at the card that accompanied it. It was titled Home and it was nothing but smears of sky blue, white, and seafoam green.

"Want to know a secret?"

I jumped and spun around discovering Colin behind me. He wore almost the same exact thing he did when I saw him at lunch almost a week before.

"Sure. Secret away." I sipped my champagne glass.

"That's me having sex." He chuckled.

"So you just painted you and your partner up and rolled around?"


"That's something."

"Thumbing your nose at my art?" He snickered and flashed me an entirely too dazzling smile.

"No. I just think... I don't know. Why Home?"

"Honestly I don't remember."

"Did you feel at home with her or him?"

"It was a her and no I didn't."

"What is your prepared answer?"

"I think I'm going to get rid of it in favor of what you said. I felt home inside of her." He looked around and smirked deviously before leaning in close. "Though I should really say I felt at home with her inside of me."

"Kinky boy." I giggled.

"Are you really surprised? We're twins."

"Did he tell you about me?"

"Yes, which is why I'm surprised you're here by yourself and not over there." He gestured to where Mr. Emery and Aria were with his champagne glass. Mr. Emery looked up at me and I instantly looked away. "Trouble in paradise?"

"You're mistaken there is no paradise. Your brother is my boss."

He leaned in close enough that his hot breath on my ear made me tremble. "Here I had no idea that spankings were part of your job description." After he spoke he instantly stepped back. "I want to show you something."


We walked through the Gallery to a tucked away corner. The painting in the little corner was maybe two feet by three feet and it was of me. Rather it was half of my face with my features outlined in black and colored in with neon pink warm yellow, white, and bright blue.

"Did you do this from memory?"

He nodded. "The expression you had on your face when you left lunch just kind of stayed with me. I'd never seen someone look so... forlorn."

"That's a good word for my mood that day." I sighed.

"Take it down."

Upon hearing Mr. Emery's firm commanding voice I shut my eyes.

"It's not for sale." Colin countered.

"I don't care. Don't make me say it again. Take it down, now."

When I opened my eyes and turned to face him, Mr. Emery had that cold mask in place but the rage that lurked under the surface was half visible like a reflection in distorted glass.

"There'll be a blank wall."

"Colin." His brother's name left his lips just above a whisper.

"What? Don't you enjoy the fruits of your labor?"

"Fine. Be difficult. I'll just buy it."

"It's not for sale."

"Well, I guess I'm just going to have to buy everything else to close out your show. I suppose I could always use them as kindling for a bonfire on Thanksgiving."

"All right. I'll take it down."


I giggled and set my teeth into my bottom lip. "Wow."

"The world needs to hear that sound more often," Colin remarked with a wide shit eating grin that he flashed in Mr. Emery's direction.

"Why are you so mean?" I couldn't stop myself from asking it, the words just kind of fell out.

"He's always been that way." Colin crossed his arms.

"I'm talking about you not him."

"Okay then..." He turned to Mr. Emery. "I'm sorry, Aid."

Mr. Emery looked his brother over, sweeping those gray eyes up and down him once before walking away.

"Behold my life story."

"That might have something to do with the attention you pay... close associates of your brother. Unlike Chloe, I'm not buying what you're selling. It was lovely to see you again, Colin." I flashed him a wry smile, turned, and left. The rest of the evening was spent fielding the side long glances from both of the Emery twins.

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