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After dinner we all watched a movie in the great room and then everyone went their separate ways. Mr. Emery mentioned he was going to bed and I watched as he headed upstairs. For the longest I debated following him. Colin went upstairs next and I followed him and watched as he headed up to the third floor. When he reached the top of the stairs he turned and stared at me for a while with haunted eyes. There was something else there in that blue gaze that made me uneasy, so I continued on to my room. As I reached my door I heard one above slam followed by thudding footsteps.

Ignoring whatever was Colin's problem I took a quick shower and then stared at my reflection in the mirror as I wrapped the black satin robe around me. Without realizing what I was doing I perfumed my wrists and neck like Mr. Emery liked. Tying the sash of the robe I walked back into the room with wet hair. Just a glance at that painting of the siren sent my gaze to that metal tab on the door. I approached it and stroked that cold metal. I pressed the tab and the handle popped out. Letting out a shaky breath I pulled the door open.

On the other side Mr. Emery was sitting on the bed. He still wore his suit from earlier with the charcoal tie that seemed black in the dark. I closed the door behind me and walked a few steps forward and untied the sash of my robe. His attention was tangible as I let the slick black fabric slip down my nude body revealing it to him like a sculpture on display. Swallowing I stepped out of the halo of fabric and knelt on the cool polished wood.

Surrendering to him I closed my eyes as placed my hands palm down on my thighs. Trembling from anticipation I started at every sound. From the creak of the bed frame to the sound of his shoes on the floor each caused a half gasp to escape my slightly parted lips. The sensation of his warm hands on my shoulder forced an unexpected moan from my lips.

"Tell me, Natalia. What are you offering me?" He trailed his hands down my arms and a swath of gooseflesh broke over my skin in their wake.


"We both know that tells me nothing."

"I'm offering you my body as it pleases you for the evening."

"And if it pleases me to take you as a Master would their Slave?"

"I haven't read much of In Servitude yet."

"I'll correct you accordingly. It will be a soft cajoling guidance." He cupped my chin and caressed my bottom lip with his thumb. "Nothing too harsh. We wouldn't want to wake the children now would we?"


"Mmm, I've waited so long to hear you say that." He kissed my forehead and then pressed our brows together. Though my eyes were closed I could feel the damp heat of his breath against my mouth and it was enough to bring that distinction up once more. No matter what else changed that block remained. Still it was hard to blame him, when someone's last relationship ended with litigation you kind of can't really be surprised when they develop odd arbitrary lines.

As understanding as I was after what I read it brought what we had versus what they had into sharp contrast. My doubt popped up again and like the expert at whack-a-mole he'd become he quieted it just by nipping at my throat. He hit my kill switch, that spot just behind my pulse that made my eyes roll in the back of my head with the simplest touch. A soft nip like Mr. Emery gave me practically melted me. I was gelatinous in his arms and as he held me I felt complete like that last puzzle piece had finally been dropped into place and the picture of what I was finally made sense.

"Look at me." His voice sent a tremble down my spine and I obeyed him finally opening my eyes and staring at him. Those gray orbs were stormy as he leaned toward me. Once again I thought we'd get our kiss, but at the last second he stopped and brushed his nose with mine a few times. "You have no idea how happy you've made me right now." He slowly released me and glanced back at the bed. "Please, get on the bed and kneel in the middle."

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