12 - Ixus

21 3 0

December 7, 2404

"So it really was you, then?" Javi asked, brushing back his short fair brown hair. We were walking to where Celeiri and Nym were. "You and Vena really fixed the time snap?"

I nodded. "She did most of it."

"That girl is wild," Javi said jokingly. "I've known her for hundreds of years and she has never changed, unlike the rest of us.

I looked at his brown eyes in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"Most of us have changed from when we were created. For example, Liri was..."

"Wasn't her IDM damaged in the creation process?"

Javi sighed. "Did Vena tell you that?"

I blinked. "Yeah?"

"Don't tell Vena this. She loves Liri like a sister. The Institute tried to destroy Liri. She became way too smart and almost cheated their entire system. Her creator shot her multiple times with an APH, which destroyed her ability to control her emotions and communicate."

"What's an APH?" I listened to what Javi said, but my question didn't seem very relevant. He didn't look mad, instead, he put something in my hand. It was a handgun with a polished steel chrome and diamond surface. It was extremely shiny and had a great heft to it. The letters "APH" were written on the right side of the gun.

"APH stands for Automated Pulse Handgun," Javi continued. "It requires an IDM to use. The magazine is loaded with various types of cartridges. The most common one that is used is the lethal laser cartridge. There is also an incendiary cartridge, non-lethal cartridge, freeze cartridge, and many more. That one isn't loaded. That model is an APH-1C, which means it's a lot more powerful."

I nodded slowly. "I see." I handed him back the APH.

"No, no. That's yours," he said.

"What? I thought this was yours?"

"Not anymore," he smiled. We arrived in front of a door. Javi pushed a button next to the door which made an audible beep.

"Who is it?" A voice came through the small speaker above the button that Javi pressed.

"It's Javi. I'm here with Amielle."

"Sorry, I don't know a 'Jah-vee.'"

Javi clicked his teeth. "You idiot, it's pronounced 'Ha-vee.' Let me in, Celeiri."

Celeiri burst out in laughter. "Alright, alright. Come in." Seconds later, the door swiped to the left, opening a small room with a desk and bed in it.

"Where's Vena?" Javi asked.

Celeiri stood up, towering over Javi and I. He squinted his small eyes at his bed. "That little..."

"Did she slip away again?"

Celeiri sighed and spoke in a small voice. "Yeah."

"You made her bored again, didn't you?"

"Dude, I don't know how to entertain that one! She's a tough nut to crack..."

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