14 - Out Of The Shell

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May 30, 2408

"How was your first year of college, Kane?" I asked, smiling.

He rolled his eyes. "I'm just glad it's over."

"Still have three more years to go, brother." I laughed.

"You just had to remind me," Kane said, laughing along. He sat next to me on the couch. "You finished college already. How do you do it?"


"How do you do it so fast?"

"It's not about how fast you do it, Kane," I explained. "It's how hard you work, and how much you're willing to work for your goal. Intelligence doesn't just come randomly."

"Yeah, you're right. I remember when IDMs were a thing." Kane said.

"They stopped making them only four years ago. We still have ours, they just don't connect to anything anymore."

"It's funny how much something can change, then it all comes back to normal."

I scoffed. "Yeah. You don't even know."

Harper came through the door, slamming it angrily and quickly like she always does. If Harper wasn't angry after work, something was wrong. She hated working, but her being twenty-four years old now, she needed a job.

"Hey, Har," I said.

"Hey," Harper responded, sounding winded.

"Work still sucks?" Kane asked.

"Of course it does," She threw her things on the couch. "You're eighteen, Amy. Why don't you have a job yet?"

"Gee, Harper, I don't know," I said sarcastically. "Why didn't you have a job at eighteen?"

She hit me really hard on the leg, and I laughed. "I need a nap." She said.

"I can relate," I added.

"Same," Kane said. We all separated to our own rooms.

I stood in front of my mirror, and held out my necklace in front of me, seeing the shiny silver "X" shine in the light.

I'll never forget, I thought. The light will stay as long as I remember you.

I laid down on my bed. As soon as I got comfortable, I heard a knock on the door. I got up to answer it. Behind the door was a boy with dark skin and black hair.

"Hello," I said. "Remind me who you are again?'

"I'm Tony," he said. "Remember me?"

The End

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