3 - F-404

57 5 0

November 25, 2404


"I don't understand what she might have been thinking. How does that just happen?"

"I don't know. All I know is that she is in a lot of trouble."

"Why would someone tamper with their IDM like that?"

"That's the thing. I don't think it was her fault."

"What? What do you mean?"

"It came from an outside source. I want to say that it was an electromagnetic pulse."

"How does one send an electromagnetic pulse to a computer?

"Which brings me to the question -- how does one hack IDM files remotely?"

"Ugh... this isn't good news for anyone right now."

"We'll figure it out," the person stopped talking to the other and faced me. "Ah! You're awake. How are you feeling, Miss..." He stopped. "That's weird... you're not coming up on my IDM."

I wanted to speak, but it seems as if all words had been stolen from me. The man wasn't identifying for me, either. I looked at him, and he just came up as "?".

The other man now began to speak. "That's that then. Her IDM is corrupted."

"What? Corrupted?"

"There's absolutely no information on her. Her identification files are missing."

"What do we do?"

"Well, I would contact her parents first. I don't know her name, so I can't get any phone number."

"We need to keep her here then. We have no choice. What do we call her?"

"I'll think about it," The man looked at me and gestured to come forward. "Come, now. I need to talk to you."

I walked off of the bed I was sitting on. My legs felt extremely wobbly, causing me to fall to the floor. I tried to get up, but I couldn't think of how I could do that. It's like... I didn't remember anything.

The man picked me up and took me into a room, where he sat me down in a chair which was in front of a table. The room had another chair parallel to the table.

"You're in a rather unfortunate situation. My name is Brandon, by the way. Brandon Beckham," He sat down in the chair in front of me. "I'll give you a quick rundown of what happened. While you were in the middle of your data transfer, it was interrupted by an unknown outside source, causing it to corrupt your files. We are not sure what this unknown source is. It could have been a shortage in your computer's power supply, but that's just my guess."

I sat in silence, still angry at the fact that I was trying my hardest to speak, but my mouth did not open and words did not form.

"I'm sorry, but we need to wipe your IDM completely. We will do the best we can in restoring you."

I sat there again, with a blank reaction. He picked me up from the chair and brought me into another room. This time, the room was obviously an office, but I couldn't quite identify it as an office. Brandon sat me down and hooked me to a computer.

"Here goes nothing..." he said, sounding worried. With one click of a button, my head felt like it was being electrocuted everywhere. I fell to the floor screaming and crying. Brandon had his mouth covered, and his eyes were filled with worry.


December 5, 2404


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