Eijiro Kirishima

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"Man isn't (y/n)'s body sweet?" Mineta squealed out to Kaminari, unknowing of your looming presence. Kaminari nodded with a malicious grin on his face. "Yea, Kirishima sure is lucky. I didn't think she was too special looking though until I saw her in that skintight swimsuit." He said, whispering the last part. 

A pain surged through your chest and your face lit up brighter than Christmas. 'Did Eijiro also only like me for my body?' you thought. You shook your head and slapped your cheeks, gaining the stares of other students in the hall. 'No way, Eijiro is way too sweet for that....' You collected your breath and walked into class. It was hard to walk by the grape headed mutant and pretend you didn't just here him oggling you. 

Lunchtime came sooner than usual as you hadn't been paying class any mind. You were to busy thinking about whether or not Kirishima only like you dor your body or not. You guys had only just begun dating last week and hadn't even had your first kiss yet but was it possible he was thinking like his friends were? 

The question continued to dance around your mind as you poked around the food on your tray. You always sat with Kirishima and his friends but today you sat on the roof. It wasn't that you didn't want to be around him, you just didn't want to cause a scene. As shy and reserved as you usually were, you weren't one to hold back from asking what you wanted to know. 

The large metal door that lead up to the roof creaked open and suddenly broke you from your conflicted thinking. Sharp red tufts of hair poked out from behind it, letting you know it was only your boyfriend. Kirishima's grinning face cast down on you like the sun. "Hey, hun." He said, moving to sit near you. You moved to set your jacket over your stomach and thighs. Kirishima furrowed his brows and tilted his head. "Whatcha doin up here? I thought we were sitting together now! It's not very manly of me to let you sit alone." 

Your clear (e/c) eyes searched his face and you sighed out. "Eijiro..." You started. A lump caught your words as you saw his eyes cast on your chest. 'Was it true?' Tears slowly began to fall down your face, causing Eijiro to panic. He quickly grabbed your wrist and searched your face for answers. "What's wrong, honey!?" He plead. 

You couldn't bear to look at him in fear that you'd bein to cry even harder. "E-Eijiro... Do you only love me for my body? Mineta and Kaminari were talking about me a-and they said I was really plain looking except for my body a-a-and-!" Your crying was cut off by chapped lips. Kirishima cupped the side of your face as his lips gently worked against yours. The kiss was short but sweet and it got across the words he had yet to say. "(y/n)... I love you! It would be super unmanly of me to date you for your body. Your body is gorgeous but I love you for so much more than that!" He shouted, his intense red orbs burning through you. 

A crimson red spread across your cheeks and you wrapped your arms around the boy neck. "I love you too, Eijiro! I'm sorry I doubted you, it was really unmanly of me!" You shouted. You moved in and kissed him again. This time the kiss held such heat and passion it rivaled the sun. His sharp teeth gently rolled your soft bottom lip and your hands found themselves digging through his spiked hair. Kirishima pulled away first and littered your face with tiny pecks. How 'could I have ever doubted him?'

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