Eijiro Kirishima

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A/N I love Kiri so much, he's such a little friggin angel he's so AHHHH! So sweet ;-;  Also in this, you'll be a first year and he'll be a second year. 

A rainy day. Rain, rain, rain. Tears, tears, tears. The weather perfectly matched my mood. Pitiful tears raced down my cheeks by the gallon and spit pooled in my howling mouth. My dad, a pro hero, had just been murdered not even a week ago. Today had been my first day back at school and to say it wasn't going well, was an understatement. 

"You're dad died like a fucking coward!" One kid bellowed out. Another laughed and kicked me in the gut. I coughed out small amounts of bile and gripped the now aching area. The first boy leaned down. His hot, sinister breath tickled my tear stricken cheeks. His brown eyes were cruel and exhibited no sign of empathy. He smirked, "And you'll end up just like him. You're so weak, it's pathetic. I bet he was ashamed of you." His fist connected with me in the blink of an eye. A sharp metallic face licked at the back of my tongue. My teeth hurt worse than a cavity but my heartfelt worse. I'm so god damn pathetic. I can't even defend myself. 

A flash of red. The boy, who had been crouching over me, was now nocked a good couple feet away. A red figure stood in front of me but I couldn't make out who it was. I wiped the tears from my eyes and took a better look. His fist swung in a hard jab to the left, knocking out the other boy who dared try and fight him. Eijiro Kirishima, a second year. He was extremely easy to recognize due to the fact that he was bright red, however his signature spiked up hair was flat from the rain. 

"Don't bully girls, that's so un-manly!" Kirishima cheered as the bullies scrambled away. He turned back to me. His intense red eyes, were soft, caring even, he reached a hand out to me. His red eyes searched my face, concern evident in his features, and he spoke. "Are you ok? I'm sorry I didn't get here sooner." His voice was soft and he spoke as though I could break at any second or from any careless move. I wiped my eyes and mouth with the back of my hand and stood. Kirishima stood with me, anticipating my words. My heart lept wild in my chest and if all my emotions hadn't already leaked out I'd be a wreck.

 I buried my face into his chest. He smelt like a  mix of cologne and cinnamon gum. My hands gripped the back of his school blazer in a fever and I simply trembled in his arms. 

"Thank you, Kirishima." I mumbled into him. 

His hands, which had been ghosting my figure, embraced me. Only after feeling his warmth did I realize how cold I was. On cue, my teeth began to chatter. The sturdy boy noticed and pulled me away. He slung the backpack off his shoulders and smiled. "Here, wear this... I mean if you're comfortable with that!" He said, thrusting a bright red hoodie my way. I smiled at it briefly, feeling the soft material in my hand and inspecting the dark, bold font. "Crimson Riot." I whispered. I slung the hoodie on and beamed at the boy. His face was dusted with a cherry hue the blurred the lines between his skin and his hair. 

"You'll make a great hero. You already were one for me." I said. 

Kirishima rubbed the back of his neck. "Thanks, (Y/n). We should really get out of the rain though! Wanna get hot chocolate or something?" His smile was so damn illuminating. Irresistible. 

"Sure, that sounds great, Kirishima." 

Kirishima put his hand in a X formation and huffed. "You can call me Eijiro!" 

"Eijiro." I smiled as his name rolled off my tongue, how intimate. 


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2018 ⏰

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