Katsuki Bakugou

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"This tastes like shit!" Bakugou barked, spitting into the trash. 

I frowned and pushed myself up from the table. "What'd you say, you shit?" I said. Bakugou wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and turned towards me. The look on his face held no real anger; it was commonplace for us to yell like this. The blonde smirked, "You heard me, (Y/n), you can't cook!" I scoffed and raised my fist in anger. His words were true but I couldn't let him tear me down like that. "Fuck. You. Do better then we'll talk." I spat. 

His red eyes dug into me with the prospect of a challenge sharpening his gaze. "Fine, idiot. I'm the best at cooking!" He declared. 

The taste of spicy curry enveloped my mouth and sent me into overload. The flavor was so rich yet burnt me to a metaphorical crisp, it tastes like his personality. I quickly set down my spoon and reached for the milk next me only to fall short as Bakugou snatched it first. "Admit It, dummy, I'm the best cook!" Bakugou roared, his voice villainous and loud. I panted as I eyed the cool white liquid. I looked at his face and the thought of giving him even more satisfaction sickened me. Despite the fact that I loved him we were still heavy rivals. I scowled at the boy and tried to take the milk. Bakugou swiftly dodged and clicked his tongue. "Admit it, shit-for-brains." The spice began to overtake my senses and I grew desperate. "O-ok Katsukiiiii! You're the best a-at cooking, milk!" I said, desperately clawing for the godly nectar. 

Bakugou laughed as he watched me demolish the once full glass. "I could teach you... if you want." He said, his more coy side coming out. I smiled at him and set the milk glass in the sink. It wasn't so rare for him to show his kind and sweet side to me anymore yet every time it made my heart gallop. "Sure, that sounds like it'd be fun!" I wrapped my arms around the blondes' neck and peered deeply into his jewel-like eyes. I rest my head into the crook of his neck and melted as I felt his destructive yet gentle hand rest atop my (h/l), (h/c) hair. He smelt like a mix of musky cologne and smoke. I pulled away from his warmth momentarily to rest my lips on his chapped ones. Our lips moved in sync as if we were performing a dance we had rehearsed countless times before. His large hands rested in the hooks of my waist and my stomach was pulled flush against his. The feeling of his toned stomach beneath the cloth of our shirts only helped to deepen my intensity.

Bakugou pried his lips away and began trailing them around the crook of my neck, his pink lips nipping away at my (s/t) skin. His hot breath tickled my earlobe. "(Y/n)." His husky voice sent shivers down my spine. My fingers snaked up his back and dug their holds into his hair.

 I felt the familiar ache of fresh hickeys coat my neck. "Ka-tsuki" I mewled. The blonde pulled away from his work to gaze at me, his masterpiece. His eyes scanned me up and down. He scooped me up, carrying me in a backwards piggyback fashion. No words left his mouth but I could already tell what was about to happen. 

Bakugou tossed me onto our shared bed and ripped of his black t-shirt. His toned body rippled and gleaned in the dim lighting. He was intoxicating. He put one knee on the bed and stalked over me like I was prey and he was the predator. His hot, needing pants tickled my nose. "Katsuki~ I need you." I pleaded. The blonde smirked and went in for the kill. 


Bakugou turned his head up and scowled. "Fuck!" He made his way to the front door and by the sound of his feet, he was upset. "Are you serious?" He screamed to the heavens. He stalked back in the room and threw a UPS box on the bed. "You're fuckin wig is here." He pouted. 


Sorry I cut it off but I haven't published smut before and I got nervous lol

If you guys want a part 2 of this with finished smut let me know and I'll do my best to deliver! 

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