The Escape

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Ok, so I am new at this so please let me know what you guys think!

Jennys P.O.V

Uuugggghhhhh!!!!!! I cant stand it anymore! My "mother" or as she likes to call herself because she gave birth to me (but in my point of view shes just a witch) not only went through my stuff like my journal, email, and facebook, but she is also abusive.  In my journal I write down my hatred for her and wish to leave and she read it while I was at school.  When I got home she greeted me with a slap in the face.  But let me just say a few things about myself before I continue.      

My name is Jennifer but my friends call me Jenny. I live in the fabulous New York in a penthouse. A few years ago my father passed of cancer and my mom, Cece remarried to a rich guy named Jack Wills with two sons who are now my stepbrothers Jay and Micheal.  When Jack wasn't home my step siblings and mother would abuse me.  Noone knew.  Anyways I'm 17 years old and just finishing high school (I started school a year early if your wondering why I was finishing school at 17) and hopefully heading of to college soon.  I want to be a lawyer and I have applied to a bunch of good colleges one of them including Harvard.  I applied for a scholarship and I have the grades for it and hopefully I will be able to get in. 

So back to what happened today.One thing I wrote in my journal was my application to Harvard and I never told my mom about that.  So when she read that i got the slap to my face and whatever, you already know all that.  Then Jay and Micheal pushed me to the floor and kicked me just for enjoyment.  So I have a plan to escape.  I don't know where I would go but just away.  Away from here, away from them.  So tonight when they are asleep I run.  I will only take what I need.  Sweater, jeans, a shirt or two, sneakers, and money.  I have about 1,000 dollars in savings hidden in one of my socks.

The plan is to put all the stuff I need to bring along with me I will put in a backpack and hide it under my bed until its time to sneak off.  I'm also taking my cell phone with me.  So when they fall asleep I'll wait a bit to make sure its safe and quietly run off.  I am planning to wear dark colors so I blend into the night.  Yea I know tacky but whatever! 

Okay so right now its 1:00 am and its also escape time.  I sling my bag over my shoulder and quietly sneak out careful not to make any noise.  No-one in the hallways so so far so good.  And two steps to the door.....and FREEDOM!!!!!!!  I make it to the elevator and now I'm exiting the lobby.  I have no clue where to go but I will decide on that once I'm farther away from here. 

I walked about five blocks away from my old home and sit on the curb.  I need to figure out where to go. I notice a bench and I take a seat and leave my bag on it next to me.  Around 2 I fall asleep on the bench.  My neck is sore from sleeping so uncomfortably.  I turn to see my bag and its gone!!!  Someone must have taken it when I was asleep. everything was in there! My money, my clothes, and my phone.  And my ipod has disappeared to!

The store next to me has a clock inside so I can see its 3:00 am.  I start crying. What do I do? My stuff is gone, I have no money, and I cant go home!  All of a sudden someone taps me.  A guy who is not so bad looking is standing next to me.  He has light brown hair thats a little wavy but kinda perfect.  He seems to be 19 but who knows? "Are you okay?" he asks.  He has a British accent.  I don't know why but he seems a bit familiar.  "Does it look like I am?" I reply.  "I guess not" he says with a slight laugh and continues to speak  "If you don't mind my asking but what happened?"  Even though I just met him, I feel like i can trust him.  So, I tell him everything and while I do that I beak down.  He puts his arm around me and i cry into his chest while he tries to comfort me by saying "its okay, don't worry."  My head snaps up and I finally come to my senses.  I don't know this guy for all I know he's a murderer! "Wait a minute. I don't even know you!" I say.  "Oh...right" he says "well I saw you crying and I wanted to know what happened so I asked."  "Oh" I say.  "Well ma and my friends are staying at a hotel down the street.  If you want you can stay with us?" I wanted to say no but then he pulled me up and we started walking.  I started to protest but he would look at me smile and say "don't worry" and he just seems so trustful.

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