The Date

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I got ready at lightning speed.  And in a matter of minutes we were in the car on the way to MadisonSquareGarden.  The boys were preforming there tomorrow night.  There manager let me stay front row to watch. They were amazing, I see why girls threw themselves at them.  Every little while Zayn would make eye contact with me and wink.  They were amazing. I especially liked there song Everything about you. Zayn's part was my favorite part. He looked at me during it a few times.

And you have always been the only one I wanted

 And I wanted you to know without you I cant face it

All we want to have is fun but they say that we're to young

Let them say what they want 

Its everything about you

When they finished I clapped. He smiled at me and jumped off the stage and gave me a huge hug. "You excited for tonight?" he asks me. "Of course I am." He smiles at me

Zayn P.O.V.

Tonight will be our first date.  I was so excited! I really like this girl.  When we were rehearsing i kept snaking glances at her and winking.  Our last song was Everything about you and on my solo part I think it really described how I felt about her.  When we were done with rehearsals she clapped and I jumped off the stage and hugged her.  I asked if she was excited about tonight and she said yes!I'm planing on taking her to a sushi place. Its not to far from the hotel and I'm sure she will love it.

Liam P.O.V. 

 So Zayn is taking Jenny on a date.  I already feel like a protective brother for her since she never had one.  Or at least a normal brother.  I should talk to Zayn.  He needs to be careful with her.  Shes different.  More sensitive and fragile.  I walk into Zayn's room and hes getting ready for his date.  "Hey Zayn" I say "listen mate, be careful with Jenny.  Shes alot more fragile than other girls. Don't hurt her."  "Don't worry I wont" Zayn replies. And with that I walk out.

Jenny P.O.V

Again, I have nothing to wear. Should I just wear jeans? I'll ask Liam for advice.  I walk out of my room and hes in the living room.  "Hey Liam can I ask you something?" I say.  "Sure Jenny. Whats up?" "Well I don't have anything to wear for tonight. So what do I do?"  "You are going shopping and I will come with. That's what you will do". Before I can stop him he was pulling me out of the room and into the elevator.  I hug him as a thank you and he hugs right back.  First we go to Abercrombie and he sees a beautiful, summery dress. ( furl= r=406&hovh=225&hovw=225&tx=130&ty=85&sig=114171237449177164645&page=7&tbnh=150&tbn w=141&ndsp=45&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:253,i:279 )    It was a dark blue dress with a floral print.  It looked amazing on me.  So Liam bought it for me along with a pair of heels, a few t-shirts, sweaters, and jeans and shorts. "You will look amazing on your date tonight" he says.  "Thanks. For everything. I don't know what I would do if you didn't find me that night." "I'm glad I found you. Now go get ready its 6:00 so you have an hour.  But we are gonna be in the other room when you get back. Zayn knows where it is.  Oh and I got you a straightener for your hair. And some makeup " he says.  "No way, you didn't!" I say "Yes I did. I know, I know I'm amazing."  I hug him once more and run off to get ready. 

At 6:30 there's a knock on my door.  Its Zayn and he looks amaZayn! "Hi" he says. "Hi" I say. "Ready to go?" he says "Yea lets go" I say. "Bye guys" we say to the others. Liam gives us a serious look an says "your curfew is 10:30." he says in a fatherly voice.  "Yes dad" I say.  We laugh and go.

"You look amazing" says Zayn when we are outside.

"Thanks. You too. So what are we doing tonight?"

"I am taking you out to Sushi."

"I love sushi!" I say with a smile which makes him smile back

We walk a few blocks to sushi place that I used to go to when I was younger with my real dad.  I order a tuna roll and a Alaska roll. Zayn gets shrimp tempura and spicy salmon. We decide to split what we got so we can have a little of each.  "This place is amazing. I haven't been here since I was 9. MY real dad used to take me here." "I heard good things about it" he says.  When we finish he takes me to my favorite ice cream place, Cold stone.  I got cheesecake and he got chocolate chip.  When we finish a flash comes from behind us. Paparazzi. The paparazzi found us.  "ZAYN WHO'S THE GIRL? IS SHE YOUR NEW GIRLFRIEND?" he shouts at us. "Run" Zayn says. We run three blocks and let me tell you its not easy in heels.  The paparazzi continues to follow us and I trip. "Oww my ankle! I think its broken" I say. "I'll carry you" says Zayn and he lifts me up bridal style and runs to the hotel.  We get up to the new room and it was definatley bigger.  The guys see Zayn carrying me and ask what happened and we tell them about how I tripped.  Niall was able to bandage it up for me and it still hurts to walk but its easier. In the morning the boys will take me to a doctor and fix it up.  I am getting ready for bed when Zayn knocks on my door. "So sorry about the paparazzi. I didnt know that would happen"  "Its ok" I say "I had a good time" "Me to" he says.  He brings his face closer to mine and it looks as if hes about to kiss me but he stops and leaves.

What just happened? Zayn Malik was about to kiss me! But he stopped. Does my breath smell? Did I have something in my teeth? I wonder why he stopped.  I go to the living roomand Liam tells me its another movie night and we will watch the Hunger Games. I sit down in my PJ's and when Zayn walks in he takes a seat beside me.  He drapes his arm over my shoulder. At first I'm hesitant to get comfortable but I do.  My head rests on his chest and I think he smiles.  When the movie finishes Zayn comes back to my new room and he pins me to the wall. Now he's gonna kiss me.  His lips are right next to mine but he stops and leaves again! What is up with him?

Zayn P.O.V

Why did I stop? I could have kissed her twice! I keep loosing the chance because I get nervous.  She looks as if she wants me to kiss her but I just dont know! I'll have to think about this but the date was amazing.  Except for the paparazzi. That was awful and she got hurt. We have tot take her to the doc tommorow.   

Save You Tonight- A Zayn Malik fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now