Welcome To London

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We all got on the plane which was rented out for just the boys and us girls. Me and Zayn cuddled up together. I started falling asleep on his shoulder and he started humming moments.Its about a 7 hour plane ride so when I woke we had about two hours left. Zayn fell asleep to so it was a little hard to get out oh his grip. I went to the back of the plane to use the restroom and then went back to Zayn who was awake. "Hey. Where did you go?" he asks. "The bathroom" I say while climbing back into his arms. We were lying down on the row of seats and we pulled all the arm rests up so we would be comfortable. we started kissing and then we just talked. He told me about his family and I told him about my real dad. My birth dad was'nt abusive so I miss him. He asked if I ever went to London and told him the closest I have come to vacation was going to my grandmothers house in Ohio.

The pilot announced that we will be landing in a few minutes so we should sit up and put on our seat belts. When we got their there were tons of screaming fans so they put on beanies and sunglasses and Zayn looked so cute in them. We were able to get out pf the airport in one piece even though fans were throwing themselves on the boys. The hotel room was beautiful of course and the room was better. Elanor and Danielle were gonna stay with us. Elanor would be sleeping with Louis and Danielle with Liam. And I might be with Zayn. If i get lucky.

We all went to our rooms to unpack. Didn't take us long. We were all excited to go out and explore. When we finished unpacking we went out for some lunch. We got pasta and it was pretty good. During lunch Niall told us that the boys are having an award show the next night and we were all coming with. That's so exciting. My first award show! "So girls, we have a radio interview today and you have a shopping day to find some clothes to wear for the show." says Louis with a smile.

So once lunch was finished the boys gave us their credit cards and went to their interviews and we went shopping. We walked into a some fancy store and Elanor found a gorgeous gown http://www.google.com/imgres?hl=en&sa=X&biw=1646&bih=873&tbm=isch&tbnid=7cqY2Z2upiBPnM:&imgrefurl=http://www.camdendrive.com/blue-dresses.html&docid=TI7a0I8A7vX2qM&imgurl=http://www.camdendrive.com/media/resized/N2001-Turquoise-f_size2.jpg&w=300&h=428&ei=boIuUKQu6d3rAbyPgFg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=903&vpy=82&dur=4954&hovh=268&h


Me and Danielle didnt find anything for ourselves so we continued loking. In another store Danielle found the perfect dress to http://www.google.com/imgres?start=213&hl=en&sa=X&biw=1646&bih=873&addh=36&tbm=isch&tbnid=nHo4yKa2IeIi5M:&imgrefurl=http://www.mycocktaildresses.com/seven-classic-prom-dresses-shapes/blue-strapless-a-line-prom-gown/&docid=Bjtle6JjMFDwcM&imgurl=http://www.mycocktaildresses.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/blue-strapless-a-line-prom-gown.jpg&w=300&h=450&ei=a4QuUKa2JKzM6QGZtIHYAg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=424&vpy=299&dur=2092&hovh=275&hovw=183&tx=122&ty=147&sig=114171237449177164645&page=5&tbnh=160&tbnw=109&ndsp=60&ved=1t:429,r:14,s:213,i:226

Since both girls found blue dresses we decided we would all wear blue so we matched. I found the perfect dresshttp://www.google.com/imgres?start=155&hl=en&sa=X&biw=1646&bih=873&addh=36&tbm=isch&tbnid=weBQ-ij87XVVkM:&imgrefurl=http://www.annaprom.com/one-shoulder-prom-dresses-la-femme-16467-light-blue-sky-dresses-light-blue-sky-evening-gowns-anom00537.html&docid=J4zGdIJMHBt-rM&imgurl=http://www.annaprom.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/O/n/One-Shoulder_Prom_dresses_la_femme_16467_Light_blue_sky_Dresses_Light_blue_sky_Evening_Gowns_ANOM00537_537_0.jpg&w=500&h=800&ei=74QuUMH_FOrc0QHHooCACg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=179&vpy=374&dur=2060&hovh=284&hovw=177&tx=108&ty=249&sig=114171237449177164645&page=4&tbnh=156&tbnw=98&ndsp=54&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:155,i:6

We also found amazing shoes, clutches, and accessories. We want to keep the dresses a surprise from the boys.  When we got back the boys were home already. "So...what did you guys get?" asked Harry. "We cant show you. Its a surprise." said Danielle. "Pleeeaaassseeeee" asked Liam giving his girl a kiss. "Nope" she said. We went to go hide our dresses in our rooms. While I was putting my dress in the closet Zayn walked in. "Hey. Can I see the dress" e said. "No. you cant. You will see it tomorrow." I said giving him a kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck and held on. "So how was the interview?"

"It was good"

"That's good"

'"Lets go to my room. We can watch a movie. Get comfy on me bed." he said resting his forehead on mine

"Okay. Lets go."

We decided on watching Twilight. I'm obsessed with it and he agreed to watch it with me.  We only got through half the movie before we started making out. I really like him and I think he really likes me too.  I guess I fell asleep in his room because when I woke up I was in his arms, in his bed. I was fully clothed dont worry! He was still asleep and I was still tired and we were gonna be out late tonight so I decided to go back to sleep I turned to face Zayn. He was beautiful when he slept. Epically because he was shirtless and he had an amazing 6 pack.  And then I drifted off.

I woke to Zayn lightly kissing my neck. "Hi. What time is it?" I ask sleepily. "About 3 in the afternoon. The show is at 6:30 and we are going on the red carpet there. So there will be allot of paparazzi OK?" he says "Okay. I'll try not to fall this time" I say laughing.  "I made you lunch. Eat and then you can go to the salon and get your nails and hair done with the girls."  "OK. Thank you" I kiss him on he cheek. 

Zayn made me some ravioli and it was very good.  When I finished it was about 3:30. The girls and I went to a salon nearby and got all pampered. We got mani-pedi's and our hair and makeup done. When we were done it was about 5:00 So we had an hour and a half to get ready.  We decided to cover our faces with magazines so the boys could'nt see our faces.  "Hey you guys are back. You have an hour to get ready. And why are you covering your faces with magazines?" asked Niall. "you cant see us until we are fully ready!" I said. 

We took about 30 minutes to get dressed and accessorized.And when we stepped out of our rooms we got a few wolf whisteles. Zayn walked up to me "you look amazing" he said and kissed my cheek. "Thanks. You do to." "Well you girls all look amazing and we have to go." says Harry rushing us in the car. The boys won 2 awards one for best single "what makes you beautiful" and one for best british boy band. They even performed one thing. 

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