Chapter 8- Silence

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"Kyle you need to really take care of yourself." Kyle remains silent as his mother and brother stand there giving him some warm water. "How did this happen?" Sheila asks, Kyle glances up at her before looking towards the window. "Well, you got to be more careful when going out there."

Sheila leaves closing the door behind her. "Kyle, how did this happen?" Ike asks worriedly. Kyle gets up grabbing a piece of paper and a pen writing down his answers. 'I was out last night with Cartman. I guess I got really drunk that night and stripped like a god damn whore on a Sunday stroll--as Cartman stated. He brought me home early this morning. I was already feeling a bit sick yesterday, but I didn't think it was a big deal--I thought it was the drinks we had. Later in the day I suddenly felt worse and lost my voice as I was trying to call out to you when I got home and made some food for you guys.'

Ike reads the note and sighs, "Did you go outside?" Kyle nods making Ike slap his hand to his forehead. "Kyle. Kyle, what the hell were you thinking?" Kyle shrugs coughing a bit. "It...W-Was.... f-f-fun." Kyle says trying to speak as best as he could. Ike looks up at him. "Don't speak, it'll make it worse." Kyle frowns.

"I'm going to make you some soup. Just sit there and I be will back in a few minutes. Don't you dare go outside while I'm gone." Ike says leaving the room. Kyle sighs--his throat still tight and rough. It doesn't hurt, but it does hurt for him to speak. To him it feels like his throat closed in on his wind pipe and is now squeezing tighter and tighter with each breath he took.

This sucks, Kyle thought looking around his room as he caresses his throat. Looking around he finds the scarf that Cartman made him on his bed frame. Kyle takes it placing it in his lap as he grazes the lettering with a soft smile. "T-Thank.... Y-You..." He says stopping his movement--just starring at the hand made scarf.

"You're welcome." He hears from the right side of the room. Kyle jumps quickly looking in the direction of the voice--his mouth open agape. "C-C-Car-t--" Cartman jumps in placing his finger on Kyle's lips "Shush, don't speak." Cartman says as he sits upon Kyle's bed digging through his backpack. "Aha!" He exclaims as he pulls out a small cylinder container. "Here drink this." He says handing Kyle the container.

Kyle takes it slowly opening it. Inside was soup. "B-But...I-Ike..." "Nothing wrong with having more than one. Are you going to deny things that were homemade?" Kyle shook his head. He has always been a sucker for things that were homemade. Let it be gifts or simple things like this. He enjoyed the simple things more than he did anything else because it was those things that gave him bliss in his life.

Kyle nods as a thank you as he pours some in the cap--gingerly taking a little sip of the soup at a time. Cartman watches with a fading smile. He couldn't help but think it was his fault a little bit. This was the least he could do at least. Kyle looks up and notices Cartman looking down at the covers of his bed.

"W-w-what's wrong?" Kyle managed to mutter--loud enough for Cartman to hear. "Oh, nothing. I just feel like its a bit like my fault... you know? After all, I brought you to that place." Kyle shakes his head placing a gentle hand on Cartman's back.

"I-I-Its.... not... y-your f-fault. Its--" Kyle stops and begins to cough a little bit. Looks like he strained himself too much to mutter out those words. At least he was considerate enough to not cough in the open air and used his arm to hide it. "Kyle, you need to stop trying to talk to me. It'll only hurt you more." Kyle shakes his head. 'I-Its-- mine--f-f-for.... ge-getting drunk."

"No its not. We kind of forced you to drink. You never did before and you're a huge light weight because of that--" "Shush!" Kyle managed to utter. "N-No one I-is at fault.... I-I just h-have a w-w-w-w-w-eak..." Kyle coughs again. "Body..." Kyle leans over a bit panting. Looks like just that one sentence winded him.

"Then why did you come out with me?" Cartman asks helping him sit back up. "B-B-Because... I-I-I wanted to." This made Cartman feel a little better. Even when he's sick, he will still manage to make everyone feel better. Even if he doesn't. "Thanks." Kyle nods with a smile on his face. When he wasn't paying attention he spills the cup in his hands. "Ah...!" Kyle huffs. "Oh no!" Cartman gets up grabbing the blankets from Kyle--quickly darting out of the room and into the laundry room. Kyle looks out at the open door blankly.

Ike peers through the open door with soup in his hands then looking back down the hall. "Was that Cartman?" Ike asks, Kyle nods. "He brought you stuff too?" Kyle nods again. "Still want this?" Kyle nods happily hurting his neck a bit. Ike comes in handing Kyle the soup. Ike notices the container and takes a sip from it. "Wow, this is amazing. Maybe I should have Cartman teach me a few lessons one day." Kyle cocks his head to the side looking at Ike.

"Try the two, which is better?" Kyle sips from the bowl that Ike presented. Its average, not as good as Cartman's. He has always had a knack for cooking. "Well?" Ike asks looking at his ill brother. "B-B-Both." Kyle stutters, but the stutter he could muster. Ike shows a sympathetic smile. He knows who's is better. Kyle is just being nice. "Alright, whatever you say, but I know who's better instantly. I'm going back down stairs. Finish this and get your blanket back. After that get some rest okay?" Kyle nods again. Ike leaves for the final time as Cartman comes back bumping into Ike.

"Oh, hey Ike." "Hello Cartman. He's still in there, you're cooking is amazing by the way. Could you come by and teach me sometime?" Ike asks, Cartman nods dumbfounded. Ike takes the stairs leaving the second floor. Cartman continues down the halls towards Kyle's room whom is sitting there drinking from a porcelain bowl while his container is resting closed on the night stand. Kyle must be saving it for later. Thanfully it stays warm longer inside that thing Cartman thought as he sat upon Kyle's bed.

"Well? How do you feel." Kyle puts the bowl down in his lap to raise up his hand and rock it a bit saying 'Eh, average I guess. Still sick.' Cartman nods looking up at Kyle he notices that his curls are a mess. "Hang on..." Cartman says as he reaches towards Kyle's face brushing out a few curls from his face. "There much, better. Now we can see those lovely eyes of yours." Cartman said without thinking quickly covering his mouth. "W-What?" Kyle asks, Cartman looks over at the young Jew whom really didn't seem to hear him. "Nothing, I just said now your stupid Jew fro is out of your face. You can drink happily now." Kyle nods.

Cartman sighs thankful that Kyle didn't hear him, but Kyle definitely did. He will happily keep this little secret to himself. He smiles happily looking down at the bowl at his and Cartman's reflection. "T-Thank you." Kyle says still watching their reflections. "What?" "T-Thank you." Kyle repeats looking up at Cartman. "For what, you stupid Jew?" Kyle chuckles a bit forcing a blush upon Cartman's face. He never thought that Kyle would laugh at him like that.

"For... everything that--that.... y-y-you've been... doing... f-f-f-for--" Kyle coughs but its more hoarse. "Kyle please, stop trying to speak. I get it. You're welcome." Cartman says holding onto Kyle's shoulder. Kyle looks up at him with a smile. From the door way Ike peeks on them and sees how close they are. A smile spreads across his face. "I'm proud of you, Kyle." Ike mutters to himself before leaving once again.

"A-Anyway... I should really get going. Tell Ike that your blanket is in the washer, he should get it out--put it in the dryer when its done--then later give it to you." Kyle nods with a smile on his face as Cartman open the window and makes his great escape as he closes it as he leaves. Kyle watches him from the widow as Cartman heads back to his place. He could help but feel like he was in a fairytale. Then again--everyday with Cartman feels like fairytale, it doesn't have to be a happy one, he doesn't need to have a happy ending. He was just glad to be in it.

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