part seven [final]

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You couldn't get the image out of your mind. His blood pooling on the floor, the life draining from his eyes. You envisioned holding him, running your hands through his hair as you tried to tell him it would be okay. You knew it wasn't, but you couldn't bring yourself to say it aloud. Saying it would mean it would be true and you didn't want it to be.

It was all your fault. You started it, you were the one that caused him that pain. You could have stopped it, yet you didn't. Clouded by the idea that you were doing the right thing, you ended up ruining everything.

You did all of it for him. Now, he was gone and you were helpless to save him.

Hitting a bump woke you up from your sleep. Your eyelids felt heavy over your eyes. You scrunched them shut, rolling your head around. A bright flash of light shined through, causing you discomfort. Opening them, slowly, you realized you were in the back of a car. You rolled around on the seat, your body moving with the car.

You rubbed your eyes, trying to clear your vision. You head throbbed with pain. Your ears ringing with the soft sounds of the car. You shook your head and shut your eyes tight. It was hard to figure out what was going on around you. The ringing of the other cars, the humming from the radio.

You tried to sit up, but the dizziness in your head made you nauseous. You brought your hand up to your forehead, laying back down on the seat. Groaning at the aching in your skull, you rolled over to face the front of the car.

Your eyes fluttered shut, but you could make out the faint shape of the driver. Their dark hair, a shadow to the streetlights that lined the road. Each bringing light to the car as it passed by. You scrunched up your face, focusing on the driver.

Their hands were tight on the wheel, eyes locked on the road. They didn't notice you awake in the back, their attention lost in the winding street. You watched them closely, configuring who it could be, your mind too hazy to remember much other than,


You brought your hands up to your face, muffling the cries that left your mouth. Tears soaked the skin of your palms as you rolled onto your back, thinking about him. You wanted it to be over, all the pain, the suffering.

"I was wondering when you'd come to." The voice filled the car. You knew it the moment you heard it, more of your memory clearing at the sound of it. You opened your eyes, to see the driver looking back at you in the mirror. His dark eyes locked on yours.

You placed your hand on the seat and pushed yourself up, taking your time to not hurt your head even more. You looked at the driver, you knew who it was. There was no question.

"You... you, no. Where is Chanyeol?" You questioned, tears streaming down your face. Sehun smiled at you, seeing that you were awake. "Where are... you taking... me?" Your mumbled voice came through, your words broken and hardly understandable.

"Home," he responded, taking no time to wait.

You knew what he meant, where he was taking you. It had been almost a year since you'd been there. The last place you had seen him, the location of your nightmares. It was your prison.

Your mind flashed with the image of him on top of you, the feeling of his hands on your throat as you took everything you had left from you. What he didn't realize that it was the last time he'd see you. That after that you would leave.

That didn't stop him from hunting you down, finding you and pulling you back to him.

"No," you breathed. "I won't go back there." Shaking your head, you pushed yourself against the door. Curling your legs against your chest, you held them close.

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