WoodsxReader part 1

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Prompt~ you and Woods plan to hangout after work For a little celebration for you both and you drunkenly confesses how you feel but he  doesn't remember it when he wakes up

ThIrd person POV:
     You were counting down the minutes to the end of the day, not because you didn't want to work. But because you and woods were going to hang out and have a little celebration for your promotions. It wasn't anything to big but you now got to share an office with woods and you weren't a pa anymore. Matt now had you helping with the editing and with shoots.  Woods was also very excited to hang with just you again he really liked you but he couldn't bring himself to ruin things and loose you. Little did he know you two were in the same boat, you liked him just as much as he liked you. It was almost time to start packing up and leaving for the weekend and you were currently in tanners office looking at a thumbnail he had for rekt. Once that was done you two talked for a moment.

Your POV~ 
     I sat down as tanner spoke up " so you and woods are gonna be alone together" he says while wiggling his eyebrows. I playfully smack his shoulder. " obviously it's not like that" I say with a chuckle. (Tanner knows about you liking woods) "i mean you never know he could admit his undying love for you" he says with dramatic hand gestures as that's said. I gave him a look and replied with " yea that'll happen when hell freezes over." Just then woods showed up and said " what'll happen." As smoothly as humanly possible I say nothing before tanner decides to say something weird that'll give a hint that I like him. Woods nods. As we all look at the time and realize the day is over. Tanner stands "woohooo imma go home and sleep" we laugh at his comment and I stand. We all say our farewells and me and woods walk out. We stop by our office and get our things. "So I've just got to stop by my place to drop my stuff off and I'll be there is that alright?" He asks and I nodded " of course" after that we walked out and parted ways. I got home and cleaned up a little bit. Once I was done I just sat and waited for woods while I waited I turned on some music.

Woods' POV~
     I wondered what they could've been talking about. She seemed really uncomfortable when I asked. I sigh and forget about it as I pull into the driveway. I go in and set my things down. I take a deep breath and try to stop being so jittery as I tell myself it's just y/n your best friend. -that you're in love with- a voice in the back of your head said and I sighed and thought what does it matter she doesn't like me. She's way to perfect..way to perfect. I grabbed the alcohol I got for her celebratory night and got back in my car. I turned some music on and turned it up as I drove. Eventually I pulled up in her drive way. I took a deep breath and said to myself " come on woods you're a man you can do this." I got out and knocked on the door.

Your POV~
     I was singing to the song when I heard him knock I smiled and got up. When I opened the door he held up wine and jack up. He says " what's a celebration without booze." I laugh and thank him saying he didn't have to. I  invite him in and he sets the bottles on the counter. I turned down the music I had playing before he got here. Not gonna lie I'm terrified to get drunk around him the reasoning for this is I don't know how to shut up even when I'm just tipsy so I'll have to keep myself in check. I make a mental note of that as we both sit down. He chuckles "so wanna bust out the wine or jack first?" I laugh let's go with wine." I stood and said walked over to the cabinet and pulled out two wine glasses. He smiles and walks over I pour our glasses and he makes a toast and we drink.

mini time skip ~
By now the wine was gone and some of the jack was as well.We sat in the floor with a mixed drink in our hands. Music was on and we were just laughing and talking. He was pretty drunk and so was I. We were both close to black out. We were talking about who we liked and he asked me if I liked someone and I said " I mean obviously but there's. No chance of me them liking me." He looked slightly sad by that answer I couldn't figure out why though. he then said "I doubt it any guy would find you perfect but tell me about this boy who's caught your eye." I smile at the compliment and say "well he's adorable we hang out a good bit we work together and he's got this way of just making me smile but I'm me and I'd definitely ruin everything if I told him. But he just is so sweet and you have these beautiful eyes." I feel my heart drop when I let the word you slip, but luckily he was kinda lost in thought he looked kinda mad for a moment. He said in an aggravated tone " oh so it's tanner." I look at him confused "wait what no" he says " well work and he makes you smile and laugh." I sigh " I mean yea he's funny but one big thing that you have wrong... he's not you woods." I immediately regret those words

Woods' POV
I look up quickly " y/n..I i" but before I can tell her I like her too she cuts me off and says " look let not talk about it I know you don't feel the same just forget I said it.." I wanted to kiss her but I couldn't bring myself to I know I like her..no I love her. I sigh as she stands and says she's gonna go to bed I just nodded and sighed. She showed me the guest bedroom and I just laid there and eventually I fell asleep I'll talk to her when I can actually form a coherent sentence. God I hope I remember tonight.

(A little note!! should I make a part 2 for this??? It wasn't a request I was just kinda rolling with it and it's longer than I thought it'd be.)

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