Chapter 10: I can't believe she's here

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Chapter 10: I can't believe she's here

Austin's P.O.V.

I can't believe she's here, sitting right in front of me talking to the guys like old times. I couldn't take my eyes off her. She'd changed. Her hair was no longer red, it was a chocolate brown with ombre highlights, her skin was still pale and her arm was covered in tattoos. She was still Callie but different.

"I hope you guys don't mind but I have some work to be doing" she said standing up and heading to the back of the bus.

"How do you guys know her?" Aaron asked.

"Austin used to date her" Tino replied.

"I am right here you know" I stated.

"We know, but you're just in your own little daydream not taking your eyes off her" Alan said.

"She's different" I mumbled.

"Of course she's fucking different, it's been 3 fucking years Austin, of course she's gonna change" Alan ranted.

"I know that it's just she's Callie but not"

"I know what you mean, it's like she's the same Callie we knew 3 years ago but not" Phil said.

"Exactly, now if you don't mind I'm gonna go and talk to our new guest" I said standing up.

"Remember what Jared said, no hurting her" Tino stated.

"Or fucking" Alan added.

"Got it" I said closing the door to the bunks behind me and opening the door to the back lounge. She was typing on her Apple Macbook with her camera next to her, a lead connecting it to the Macbook. She also had an iPad beside her.

"Hello Austin" she greeted without looking up. I looked back at the door and then back at her, she still hadn't looked up.

"How?" I asked stunned.

"I can smell you're cologne from here, you haven't changed it"

"Well it is my favourite" I said sitting down on the couch at the side.

"I know, I bought it you" she stated finally looking up and looking at me.

"Did you want something?" she asked. She was pissed at me, anger laced her voice and I flinched.

"Nope just wanted to say hi"


"Actually Cal, I wanted to say I'm sorry"

"Callie" she stated. Yeah she was pissed.


"Callie, my name's Callie, not Cal" she spat. Jesus Christ, maybe it wasn't a good idea to come back here.

"Okay Callie, I wanted to say sorry for how I treated you and how I acted, I shouldn't have done that but I just couldn't do it, I couldn't bear being away from you. I was miserable and it broke my heart, all I could think about was you and I still keep thinking of you" I rambled.

"Then if it broke your heart to be away from me, why end it? Why end us?" she asked. I couldn't answer that, I didn't know answer that. The truth was I don't know why i did it.

"I don't know" I mumbled.

She moved her camera to the other side of her and patted the space she created. I moved over and sat next to her.

"You broke my heart Austin and I've never been able to fix it. I've not dated anyone since that day, I don't trust them, I'm scared they'll break me again" she whispered. There was sincerity in her voice, what the fuck happened to the anger?

"I know Cal and I'm sorry, I haven't dated anyone either I've just been trying to focus on my work" it was the honest truth I hadn't dated anyone else because no one would compare to her.

"You meant everything to me, you were my whole world and when you broke up with me I felt like my whole world had fallen apart, like part of me was missing. That part of me was you" I noticed that a tear had escaped and I automatically wiped it away and kept my hand there on her cheek. She didn't flinch or push me away she just looked at me with sorrow in her eyes and for the first time I saw something that I had created, she was broken.

"I can't Austin, I trusted you and I loved you with all my heart but you left me, you broke me" she whispered.

"I know Cal and I'm so sorry" I whispered back drying her tears.

She was my everything and she still is.

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