Chapter 12: I need to fight for her

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Chapter 12: I need to fight for her

Austin's P.O.V.

"How'd it go?" Alan asked as I sat down on the couch next to Aaron.

"We kissed" I replied.

"But?" Alan continued.

"But I need to fight for her and her heart before I can call her mine again"

"You know what guys, I don't think we can stop Callie and Austin with the no fucking rule. When he wins her over that rule is long gone" I laughed at Alan's comment and grabbed a Monster from the fridge.

We kept talking about the tour and shows. We watched the Dallas Cowboys win on ESPN.

"I'm gonna go to bed" Phil said, Alan, Aaron and Tino nodded.

"I'm gonna stay up for a bit" I said and they nodded heading back to the bunks.

5 minutes later Callie came into the front lounge and sat on the couch next me and laid her head on my shoulder.

"Shall we watch a movie?" I suggested.

"Lady and the Tramp"

"Good choice" it was her favourite Disney film. I put the movie in and returned to the couch with Callie returning her head to my shoulder. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and she snuggled into my side.

"I missed you so much Cal" I whispered.

"I missed you too Chess" she whispered back. I smiled at the nickname, it was a nickname for the Cheshire Cat, which she called me because I always smiled.

This is the night, it's a beautiful night, and we call it Bella Notte

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