Jealousy with Semi Eita

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Anonymous asked: Can I request scenario where Semi is jealous since his crush who is a second year is super close with Shirabu (he's actually her best friend and is bored and annoyed by how often she keep talking about Semi due to her crush on him)?

So I believe I read this ask right but I'm truly sorry if I misunderstood what you meant! Here it is, I hope you like it! Also we do have some minor restrictions on which characters we'll write for in our official rules, Shirabu is one of those neither I nor Admin Satori know all that well so we didn't want to write for him just yet, luckily I knew just enough to write this! This was a fun ask to do but please keep our rules in mind next time! :))) -Admin Terushima ;P

Semi Eita:

Shirabu was annoyed. Seriously annoyed. Classmates just roaming around probably didn't see much of a difference from his usual indifferent expression but his teammates could tell he was more on edge and so gave him the space he needed during practice, Tendou even shouted excitedly in his general direction less which was a huge improvement. Only one of his teammates was toeing the line, he could feel Semi boring a hole in the side of his head with the force of his glare. Shirabu made eye contact and Semi huffed crossing his arms and finally looking away.

When Shirabu finally got home he let out the deep sigh he had been holding in. "Those idiots," he murmured to himself. Just as he was getting ready to start on his classwork his phone began to ring. He glanced down briefly and groaned, letting his head fall back to stare at the ceiling. After a few calming breaths he answered the phone. "Hey what's u-," he began before a shrill voice interrupted him, "Oh my god! Kenjirou you'll never guess what happened today!!" the voice of his best friend since primary school shrieked through the phone.

He sighed murmuring under his breath that he could easily guess but let her continue. "I was eating lunch today and I looked over and Semi Eita himself made eye contact with me! I thought I would die from how hard I was blushing! And then!!! AND THEN! HE smiled at me too! I almost fainted Kenjirou! Right then and there!" Shirabu slowly zoned out knowing from experience that this call would go on, fairly one sided for the next 20 minutes at least, so he set his alarm clock and started his homework.

A few minutes later his phone started buzzing distractedly temporarily drowning out his best friends excited voice. He glanced over yet again to see 3 new messages from Semi. He huffed in frustration before opening them. The first was about volleyball, Semi probably thought he was being slick, and the last two were about the girl whose voice was still echoing out of his phones shitty little speaker, it was painfully obvious to Shirabu that Semi had feelings for his best friend and he hadn't opposed those feelings in any way. So where Semi had gotten the idea that Shirabu and her were dating or something was beyond him.

As Shirabu sat there he had an idea. It was a little wicked and might not pan out but it was worth a shot if it would give some semblance of peace and quiet. He typed, "Call me and be quiet you need to hear something." He sent the message and waited a small smile pulling up the corners of his mouth. Sure enough a minute later his phone lit up with an incoming call from Semi. He tapped a few buttons, effectively making a conference call and added Semi to the conversation with his friend. Luckily Semi obeyed his instructions and stayed quiet probably curious and his friend was too preoccupied with gushing to notice that she wasn't just talking to him anymore.

Satisfied Shirabu leaned back in his chair and listened as it all played out. She'll forgive me for this he thought, so long as these two idiots finally get together and stop bothering me about it, she'll forgive me.

A/N: TBH I was going to write more but it was so long already... So you'll have to live with this! Hope you enjoy it anon, it was fun writing this situation because I've done this and man it was fun times. My two friends are still together though so I'm pretty good I guess. ;P Also I couldn't think of a name so excuse my shitty attempt at adding her in there, omg.

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